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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Guide
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Installing and Configuring HA for TimesTen

HA for TimesTen Overview

Overview of Installing and Configuring HA for TimesTen

Planning the HA for TimesTen Installation and Configuration

Planning the Resource Group Topology for HA for TimesTen

TimesTen and Solaris Containers

HA for TimesTen and In-Memory Database Cache

Configuration Restrictions

Configuration Requirements

Installing and Configuring TimesTen

How to Enable a TimesTen Database to Run in a Global Zone Configuration

How to Enable TimesTen to Run in a Non-Global Zone Configuration

How to Install and Configure TimesTen

Verifying the Installation and Configuration of TimesTen

How to Verify Installation and Configuration of TimesTen

Installing the HA for TimesTen Packages

How to Install the HA for TimesTen Packages

Registering and Configuring HA for TimesTen

Specifying Extension Properties for the TimesTen Resource

Creating and Enabling Resources for TimesTen

How to Create and Enable Resources for TimesTen in a Failover Configuration

How to Create and Enable Resources for TimesTen in a Multiple-Master Configuration

How to Create and Enable Resources for TimesTen in a Scalable Configuration

How to Create and Enable Resources for TimesTen in an Active-Standby Configuration

Verifying the HA for TimesTen Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the HA for TimesTen Installation for Failover Configurations

How to Verify the HA for TimesTen Installation for Scalable or Multiple-Master Configurations

Define the TimesTen Replication

Tuning the HA for TimesTen Fault Monitor

Operation of the Fault Monitor for ORCL.TimesTen_server Resource Type

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the Other HA for TimesTen Resource Types

Debugging HA for TimesTen

How to Activate Debugging for HA for TimesTen

A.  HA for TimesTen Extension Properties

B.  Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in a Failover Configuration

C.  Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in an Active-Active Configuration

D.  Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in a Scalable Subscriber Configuration


Installing and Configuring TimesTen

This section explains only the special requirements for installing TimesTen for use with HA for TimesTen. For complete information about installing and configuring TimesTen, see TimesTen documentation. For complete information about installing and configuring a Solaris Container, see System Administration Guide: Oracle Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Oracle Solaris Zones.

To determine which TimesTen version is installed, run the following commands.

# su - non-root-user
$ ttIsql --version

For each TimesTen instance that you are installing and configuring, choose the following tasks depending on whether you will configure HA for TimesTen to run in a global zone or in a non-global zone:

How to Enable a TimesTen Database to Run in a Global Zone Configuration

This procedure creates the cluster infrastructure, such as resource groups, storage resources, and IP resources, according to your TimesTen configuration. For complete deployment examples, see Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in a Failover Configuration, Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in an Active-Active Configuration or Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in a Scalable Subscriber Configuration.

Note - If you are deploying an active-standby configuration, do not perform this procedure. Instead, install TimesTen software and proceed to How to Create and Enable Resources for TimesTen in an Active-Standby Configuration.

  1. (Optional) As superuser, register the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type.
    # clresourcetype register SUNW.HAStoragePlus
  2. Create a failover or multiple-master resource group.
    • For a failover resource group, perform the following command:
      # clresourcegroup create TimesTen-resource-group
    • For a multiple-master resource group, perform the following command:
      # clresourcegroup create -p maximum_primaries=2 \
      -p desired_primaries=2 \
  3. (Optional) For a failover configuration, create a resource for the TimesTen disk storage.
    # clresource create -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -p FileSystemMountPoints=TimesTen-instance-mount-points \
  4. Create a logical-hostname or shared-address resource group.
    • To access the database from a logical host, perform the following command:
      # clreslogicalhostname create -g TimesTen-resource-group \
    • To access the database from a shared address, perform the following commands:
      # clresourcegroup create TimesTen-access-group
      # clressharedaddress create -g TimesTen-access-group \
  5. Enable the resource groups.
    # clresourcegroup online -eM TimesTen-resource-group
    # clresourcegroup online -eM TimesTen-access-group

How to Enable TimesTen to Run in a Non-Global Zone Configuration

This procedure creates the cluster infrastructure, such as resource groups, storage resources, and IP resources, according to your TimesTen configuration. For complete deployment examples, see Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in a Failover Configuration, Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in an Active-Active Configuration or Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in a Scalable Subscriber Configuration.

Follow this procedure unless you are deploying an active-standby configuration. If you configure an active-standby configuration, install TimesTen and proceed with How to Create and Enable Resources for TimesTen in an Active-Standby Configuration

  1. (Optional) As superuser, register the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type.
    # clresourcetype register SUNW.HAStoragePlus
  2. Create a failover or multiple-master resource group.
    • For a failover resource group, perform the following command:
      # clresourcegroup create -n node:zone[…] TimesTen-resource-group
    • For a multiple-master resource group, perform the following command:
      # clresourcegroup create -n node1:zone1,node2:zone2 \
      -p maximum_primaries=2 \
      -p desired_primaries=2 \
      -n node1:zone1,node2:zone2 \
  3. (Optional) For a failover configuration, create a resource for the TimesTen disk storage.
    # clresource create -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -p FileSystemMountPoints=TimesTen-instance-mount-points \
  4. Create a logical-hostname or shared-address resource group.
    • To access the database from a logical host, perform the following command:
      # clreslogicalhostname create -g TimesTen-resource-group \
    • To access the database from a shared address, perform the following commands:
      # clresourcegroup create -nnode1:zone1,node2:zone2 TimesTen-access-group
      # clressharedaddress create -g TimesTen-access-group \
  5. Enable the resource groups.
    # clresourcegroup online -eM TimesTen-resource-group
    # clresourcegroup online -eM TimesTen-access-group

How to Install and Configure TimesTen

Note - For complete information about installing TimesTen, go to

For complete deployment examples, see Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in a Failover Configuration, Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in an Active-Active Configuration or Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in a Scalable Subscriber Configuration.

Before You Begin

Determine the following requirements for the deployment of TimesTen with Oracle Solaris Cluster:

The following assumptions are made:

  1. As superuser, create the home directory for the TimesTen user on each node or non-global zone that runs the instance in parallel.
    #  mkdir /tt
  2. Add a group for TimesTen on every node or non-global zone.
    # groupadd -g 1000 timesten
  3. Add a user who owns the TimesTen installation on every node or non-global zone.
    # useradd -u 1000 -g timesten -d /tt -s /usr/bin/ksh tt
    # chown -R timesten:timesten /tt
  4. Create the /etc/TimesTen directory on every node or non-global zone.
    # mkdir /etc/TimesTen
    # chgrp -R timesten /etc/TimesTen
    # chmod -R 775 /etc/TimesTen
  5. Switch to the TimesTen user.
    # su - timesten
  6. If you are configuring a TimesTen failover service, set the LD_PRELOAD variable.
    $ export LD_PRELOAD_32=$LD_PRELOAD_32:/usr/cluster/lib/ 
    $ export LD_PRELOAD_64=$LD_PRELOAD_64:/usr/cluster/lib/64/
    $ export SC_LHOSTNAME=logical host ip alias
  7. (Optional) Add export statements for your LD_PRELOAD variables to your shells profile.
  8. Install TimesTen software.
    $ cd your-timesten-install-dir
    $ ./
  9. Configure your data stores.

    Add the following entries to your sys.odbc.ini file.

    $ cat - > your-instance-dir/info/sys.odbc.ini
  10. Create the directory to contain the data stores.
    $ mkdir /tt/data