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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Guide
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Installing and Configuring Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Overview

Clustering Capabilities of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

Overview of Installing and Configuring Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

Planning the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Installation and Configuration

Configuration Requirements

Installing and Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

How to Install and Configure Oracle BI EE

Installing the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Packages

How to Install the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Packages

Registering and Configuring Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

Determining Which Services You Need

Presentation Services Configuration

How to Define a Failover Configuration for Presentation Services

How to Define a Multi-Master Configuration for Presentation Services

BI Server Configuration

How to Define a Failover Configuration for BI Server

How to Define a Multi-Master Configuration for BI Server

BI Cluster Controller Configuration

How to Define a Highly Available BI Cluster Controller Configuration

BI Scheduler Configuration

How to Define a Failover Configuration for BI Scheduler

How to Define a Multi-Master Configuration for BI Scheduler

Verifying the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and Configuration

How to Verify the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Installation and Configuration

Tuning the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Fault Monitors

Debugging Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

How to Activate Debugging for Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

A.  Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Extension Properties


Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Overview

At a basic level, Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is a multi-tier application that enables you to perform queries and reports against one or more data sources. Figure 1 shows the relationships among the various components in the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition stack.

Figure 1 Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Components

image:Diagram of Oracle BI EE components as described in the following text.

The primary components of the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition stack include the following:

In addition to these primary components, you can also configure a directory server to store user credentials to authenticate through the web browser sign-on process. For more information about the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition components and how they communicate with each other, see Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Documentation Library.

For conceptual information about failover data services, multiple-master data services, and scalable data services, see Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide.

Clustering Capabilities of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

The Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition software offers its own clustering solution. User access is distributed through an external load-balancer (usually a hardware load-balancer), to the web service containers. Onward distribution of requests, made through the BI Presentation Service plug-in, are coordinated by the cluster controller.

The cluster controller has both a primary and secondary process. If the primary process fails, the secondary process takes over control of this distribution process. The cluster controller is aware of how many Business Intelligence (BI) servers are available and on which hosts. Similarly, if the active scheduler fails, the inactive (secondary) scheduler process can continue to coordinate the scheduling of queued requests. In the event that the Oracle BI Server master fails, access to the shared repository is made read-only.

In a multi-master configuration, the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition agents interoperate with the Oracle BI EE clustering components to provide greater functionality, such as start-up ordering, dependencies, and integration with disaster recovery. Because the Oracle BI EE clustering architecture allows Oracle BI EE instances to be run on different machines, you can use the Oracle Solaris Cluster multi-master configuration to achieve high availability and efficient load-balancing.

In a multi-master configuration, a resource group can be mastered on multiple nodes where the methods of the resources in the resource group are invoked by the Resource Group Manager on all the nodes where the resource group is mastered. The resource group is typically mastered on more than one node. The nodes on which the resource group can be brought online can be specified while creating the resource group. The Maximum_primaries and Desired_primaries properties of the resource group are used to specify the number of primaries and desired primaries on which the resource group should be brought online.

Note - Although BI servers can be started and stopped dynamically as part of a multi-master BI server resource group, the number and location of these BI servers is determined by the SERVERS variable in the NQClusterConfig.INI file. The cluster controller only expects the servers listed in this variable to come online, thus the configuration is dynamic within the confines of the servers specified.