Class ConditionDecision

  extended by com.sun.identity.policy.ConditionDecision

public class ConditionDecision
extends Object

The ConditionDecision class represents the result of the evaluation of a condition.

Constructor Summary
          No argument constructor
ConditionDecision(boolean allowed)
          Constructs ConditionDecision given the boolean result of a condition evaluation
ConditionDecision(boolean allowed, long timeToLive)
          Constructs ConditionDecision given the boolean result of a condition evaluation and time to live
ConditionDecision(boolean allowed, long timeToLive, Map advices)
          Constructs ConditionDecision given the boolean result of a condition evaluation, time to live and advices
ConditionDecision(boolean allowed, Map advices)
          Constructs ConditionDecision given the boolean result of a condition evaluation and advices
Method Summary
 Map getAdvices()
          Gets advices associated with this object
 long getTimeToLive()
          Gets timeToLive associated with this object
 boolean isAllowed()
          Gets boolean result of condition evaluation
 void setAdvices(Map advices)
          Sets advices associated with this object
 void setAllowed(boolean allowed)
          Sets boolean result of condition evaluation
 void setTimeToLive(long timeToLive)
          Sets timeToLive associated with this object

Constructor Detail


public ConditionDecision()
No argument constructor


public ConditionDecision(boolean allowed)
Constructs ConditionDecision given the boolean result of a condition evaluation

allowed - boolean result of a condition evaluation


public ConditionDecision(boolean allowed,
                         Map advices)
Constructs ConditionDecision given the boolean result of a condition evaluation and advices

allowed - boolean result of a condition evaluation
advices - A Map representing advices associated with this ConditionDecision. The advice name is the key to the Map. The value is a Set of advice message Strings corresponding to the advice name. The advice name examples are SessionCondition.SESSION_CONDITION_ADVICE AuthSchemeCondition.AUTH_SCHEME_CONDITION_ADVICE


public ConditionDecision(boolean allowed,
                         long timeToLive)
Constructs ConditionDecision given the boolean result of a condition evaluation and time to live

allowed - boolean result of a condition evaluation
timeToLive - GMT time in milliseconds since epoch when this object is to be treated as expired.


public ConditionDecision(boolean allowed,
                         long timeToLive,
                         Map advices)
Constructs ConditionDecision given the boolean result of a condition evaluation, time to live and advices

allowed - boolean result of a condition evaluation
timeToLive - GMT time in milliseconds since epoch when this object is to be treated as expired.
advices - advices associated with this action decision. The advice name is the key to the Map. The value is a set of advice message Strings corresponding to the advice name. The advice name examples are SessionCondition.SESSION_CONDITION_ADVICE AuthSchemeCondition.AUTH_SCHEME_CONDITION_ADVICE
Method Detail


public void setAllowed(boolean allowed)
Sets boolean result of condition evaluation

allowed - boolean result of condition evaluation


public boolean isAllowed()
Gets boolean result of condition evaluation

result of condition evaluation


public void setAdvices(Map advices)
Sets advices associated with this object

advices - A Map representing advices associated with this object. The advice name is the key to the Map. The value is a Set of advice message Strings corresponding to the advice name. The advice name examples are SessionCondition.SESSION_CONDITION_ADVICE AuthSchemeCondition.AUTH_SCHEME_CONDITION_ADVICE


public Map getAdvices()
Gets advices associated with this object

advices associated with this object. The advice name is the key to the Map. The value is a Set of advice message Strings corresponding to the advice name.


public void setTimeToLive(long timeToLive)
Sets timeToLive associated with this object

timeToLive - GMT time in milliseconds since epoch when this object is to be treated as expired.


public long getTimeToLive()
Gets timeToLive associated with this object

GMT time in milliseconds since epoch when this object is to be treated as expired.