System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

IA: How to Boot a System From the Network

Any system can boot from the network if there is a boot server available. You might want to boot a standalone system from the network temporarily if the system cannot boot from the local disk.

If the system is capable of a PXE network boot, you might want to boot the system directly from the network without using either the Configuration Assistant boot diskette or the installation CD.

The menu, Set Network Configuration Strategy, on the Configuration Assistant's Boot Tasks Menu, enables you to select the appropriate boot strategy.

  1. Determine whether you want to boot from the network by using the RARP/bootparams method or the DHCP method.

    There are two network configuration strategies to choose from, RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) or DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). The default network boot strategy is set to RARP. You can use either strategy depending on whether a RARP boot server or a DHCP boot server is available on your network.

    The PXE network boot is available only with DHCP.

  2. Insert the Configuration Assistant boot diskette or the installation CD that you wish to boot from.

    Or, use the system or network adapter BIOS configuration program to enable the PXE network boot.

  3. If the system displays the Type any key to continue prompt, press any key to reboot the system.

    You can also use the reset button at this prompt. If the system is shut down, turn the system on with the power switch.

    The Solaris Device Configuration Assistant screen is displayed.

  4. Press the F2 key (F2_Continue) to scan for devices.

    Device identification is performed and the Identified Devices screen is displayed.

  5. Press the F2 key (F2_Continue) to load drivers.

    Bootable drivers are loaded.

    The Boot Solaris menu is displayed.

  6. Press the F4 key (F4_Boot Tasks).

  7. Select Set Network Configuration Strategy and press the F2 key (F2_Continue).

  8. Select either RARP or DHCP and press the F2 key (F2_Continue).

    A screen that confirms your new network boot strategy appears.

    Your network boot strategy selection is saved as the default network boot method for the next time this diskette is used for booting.

  9. Press F3_Back to return to the Boot Solaris menu.

  10. Select NET as the boot device. Then, press F2_Continue to boot the network device.

    The Solaris boot option screen is displayed.