System Administration Guide: Security Services

The audit_user File

To audit some users differently from others, you can edit the audit_user file to add audit flags for individual users. If specified, these flags are combined with the system-wide flags in the audit_control file to determine which classes of events to audit for that user. The flags that you add to the user's entry in the audit_user file modify the defaults from the audit_control file in two ways:

Each user entry in the audit_user file contains three fields.

The audit fields are processed in sequence. Auditing is enabled by the always-audit field and turned off by the never-audit field.

Note –

Avoid the common mistake of leaving the all audit flag in the never-audit field. This mistake causes all auditing to be turned off for that user, which overrides the flags that are set in the always-audit field.

Using the never-audit flags for a user is not the same as removing classes from the always-audit set. For example, suppose you want to audit everything for user tamiko for except for successful reads of file system objects. This strategy audits almost everything for a user, while generating only about three-quarters of the audit data that would be produced if all data reads were audited. You also want to apply the system defaults to tamiko. Here are two possible audit_user entries:

The correct entry:


The incorrect entry:


The first example means, “always audit everything except for successful file-reads.” The second example means, “always audit everything, but never audit successful file-reads.” The second example is incorrect because it overrides the system default. The first example achieves the desired effect: the system defaults apply, as well as what is specified in the audit_user entry.

Note –

Successful events and failed events are treated separately, so a process can generate more audit records when an error occurs than when an event is successful.