Solaris WBEM SDK Developer's Guide

WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause narrows the scope of a query. This clause contains a conditional expression, which can contain a property or key word, an operator, and a constant.

The syntax for a WHERE clause appended to a SELECT statement is as follows:

SELECT CIMinstance FROM CIMclass WHERE conditional_expression 

The conditional_expression in the WHERE clause takes the following form:

property operator constant

The expression is composed of a property or key word, an operator, and a constant. You can append the WHERE clause to the SELECT statement using one of the following forms:

SELECT instance FROM class [[WHERE constant operator property]]

Valid WHERE clauses follow these rules:

Standard WQL Operators for WHERE Clauses

You can use the following standard WQL operators for a binary expression in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement.

Table 5-4 WQL Operators for WHERE Clauses



Equal to 

Less than 

Greater than 


Less than or equal to 


Greater than or equal to 


Not equal to