Solaris Smartcard Administration Guide

Starting or Restarting the Smartcard Console

The Smartcard Console is the graphical user interface (GUI) used to manage the Solaris Smartcard software.

To Start the Smartcard Console from the Command Line
  1. Log in as root or su to root.

    Note –

    If you log in as a regular user, you can run Smartcard, but you can only perform two tasks: Load Applets and Configure Applets.

  2. Start the Smartcard Console:

    # /usr/dt/bin/sdtsmartcardadmin &

    Note –

    Before you su to root you may need to disable X server access control, since root is not granted access by default. Disable X server access control by running /usr/openwin/bin/xhost +hostname where hostname is the local host. After starting the Smartcard Console, run xhost -hostname to enable access control again.

To Start the Smartcard Console from the CDE Desktop
  1. Log in as root to the Common Desktop Environment (CDE).

    If you are currently running CDE under your login name, exit CDE and log in as root.

    Note –

    If you log in as a regular user, you can run Smartcard, but you can only perform two tasks: Load Applets and Configure Applets.

  2. On the CDE control panel, click the up arrow on the Applications subpanel.

    By default, the Text Note icon, a pinned note with a pencil above it, represents the Applications subpanel.

  3. Select Applications to display the Application Manager.

  4. Double-click the System_Admin icon in Application Manager.

  5. Double-click the Smart Card icon to start the Smartcard Console.

    You may have to scroll down to find the Smart Card icon.

Note –

You can also start the Smartcard Console from the desktop Workspace menu; sdtsmartcardadmin should be found at the top level or in the Tools submenu.