Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide

Changing the X Server Access

By default, the login server allows X server access control on a per user basis and is based on authorization data stored and protected in the HomeDirectory/.Xauthority file. Only users who can read this file are allowed to connect to the X server. Generally, this is the preferred method of X server access control.

An alternative to user-based access control is host-based access control. Using this method, if a host is granted access to the X server, any user on that host is allowed to connect to the X server. Reasons to use host-based control include:

To Change the X Server Environment

If you want to provide the X server with one or more environment variables and values when started by the login server, you can specify them using the Dtlogin*environment resource in Xconfig. For example:

Dtlogin*environment: VAR1=foo VAR2=bar

will make the variables VAR1 and VAR2 available to the local X server process. These variables will also be exported to the Xsession and Xfailsafe scripts.

To Change the Default Language

When the user logs in to the desktop from the login screen, the user session is run under the locale selected from the Language submenu of the Options menu. If the user does not select a language, the login server default language is used. You can control the value of the default language by setting the Dtlogin*language resource in Xconfig. For example:

Dtlogin*language: Ja_JP

Check your system documentation to determine the languages installed on your system.

To Change the Content of the Login Screen Language Menu

By default the login server creates the login screen Language menu containing a list of all locales installed on the system. When the user selects a locale from the login screen language list, the login server will redisplay the login screen in the selected locale. When the user subsequently logs in, the login server will start a desktop session for the user in that locale.

You can specify your own list of languages by modifying the Dtlogin*languageList resource in Xconfig:

Dtlogin*languageList: En_US De_DE

The login server now displays only En_US and De_DE in the login screen Language menu.