Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification Checklist

Existing Keyboard Access Features

When designing CDE Motif applications, be aware of existing system-level key mappings used by access features in the X Window System server. These server features, known as AccessX, provide basic workstation accessibility, typically used by people with mobility impairments. AccessX became a supported part of the X Windows server in version X11R6.

The built-in, server-level access features include:


Provides locking or latching of modifier keys (for example, Shift, Control) so that they can be used without simultaneously pressing the keys being modified. StickyKeys allow single-finger operation of multiple key combinations.


Delays the onset of key repeat, allowing users with limited coordination time to release keys before multiple characters are sent.


Requires a key to be pressed and held for a set period before keypress acceptance. This allows users with limited coordination to accidentally press keys without sending keypress events.


An alternative to the mouse which provides keyboard-based explicit control of cursor movement and all mouse button press and release events.


Indicates locking key state with a tone when pressed; for example, Caps Lock.


Requires a delay between keystrokes before accepting the next keypress so users with tremors can prevent the system from accepting inadvertent keypresses.




Application keymappings do not conflict with existing system-level key mappings reserved for access features in the X Windows server as shown in Table 10-6.