Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification Checklist

Basic Activation








Your application uses BSelect to activate a button.  

BSelect, the first mouse button, provides a consistent means of activating a button using the mouse. 



When a button has the focus, your application uses the Select key or Spacebar to activate the button.  

The Select key and Spacebar provide a uniform way of selecting a button. Selecting a button is equivalent to activating the button. 



When an activatable menu entry has the focus, your application uses the Select, Spacebar, Enter, or Return key to activate the entry.  

The Select, Spacebar, Enter, and Return keys offer a consistent means of activating a menu entry using the keyboard. 



When BSelect is pressed over a button, the appearance of the button changes to indicate that releasing BSelect will activate the button. If, while BSelect is pressed, the pointer is moved outside of the button, the visual state is restored. If, while BSelect is still pressed, the pointer is moved back inside of the button, the visual state is again changed to indicate the pending activation. If BSelect is pressed and released within a button, the button is activated, regardless of whether the pointer has moved out of the button while it was pressed.  

The visual state of a button offers a cue to the user about whether the button will be activated when the mouse button is released. 



If a selectable element of a collection is activatable, BSelect Click, the Select key, and Spacebar (except in text) select it. BSelect Click 2 selects and activates it.  

This rule provides for consistent integration of activation and selection in a collection where elements can be both selected and activated. 



The time allowed to detect a double click (*doubleClickTime: 500) should be no less than 500 milliseconds.