Solstice Enterprise Agents 1.0 User Guide

4.4 Agents Access Control File

The agents access control file is a configuration file that stores SNMP-related community information. Every subagent and the Master Agent may have its own access control file. This file name may have any extension, although the extension acl is recommended. This file must be stored in the /etc/snmp/conf directory.

The following is an example of the grammar for the access control configuration file.

<snmp_security> : <acls> <trap_block>
<acls> : /*empty*/ | “acl” “=” {<acls_list> }
<acls_list> : /*empty*/ | <acls_list> <acl_item>
<acl_item> : {<communities_stmt> <acl_access> <hosts> }
<communities_stmt> : “communities” “=” <communities_set>
<communities_set> : <communities_set> , <community_elem> |
<community_elem>: alphanumeric_string
<acl_access> : “access” “=” <acl_access_type>
<acl_access_type> : read-only | read-write
<hosts> : “managers” “=” <hosts_list>
<hosts_list> : <hosts_list> , <host_item> | <host_item>
<host_item> : alphanumeric_string
<trap_block> : “trap” “=” { <traps_list> }
<traps_list> : /*empty*/ | <trap_list> < trap_item>
<trap_item> : { <trap_community_string> <trap_interest_hosts>
<enterprise_list> }
<trap_community_string> : “trap-community” “=” alphanumeric_string
<trap_interest_hosts_list> : <trap_interest_hosts_list> ,
<trap_interest_host_item> |
<trap_interest_host_item> : alphanumeric_string
<enterprise_list> : /*empty*/ | <enterprise_list> <enterprise_item>
<enterprise_item> : { <enterprise_stmt> <trap_number_stmt> }
<enterprise_stmt> : “enterprise” “=” quouted_alphanumeric_string
<trap_number_stmt> : “trap-num” “=” <trap_number_list>
<trap_number_list> : <trap_number_item>
<trap_number_item> : <trap_range>
<trap_range> : integer - integer | integer

The following is an example of the access control list file.

acl = {
communities = public, private
access = read-only
managers = hubble, snowbell, nanak
communities = jerry
access = read-write
managers = hubble, telescope
trap = {
        trap-community = SNMP-trap
        hosts = hubble, snowbell
        { enterprise = “Sun”
          trap-num = 1, 2-5
          enterprise = “3Com”
          trap-num = 4 }
        trap-community = competitor-trap
        hosts = hp_server, ibm_server, sgi
        enterprise = “sun”
        trap-num = 1,3 }
        enterprise = “snmp”
        trap-num = 1-32



The access control list file contains the following two groups of configuration variables.