Solstice Enterprise Agents 1.0 User Guide

4.3 Agents Registration File

Each agent has its own agent registration file. This provides the Master Agent and each subagent file with its own file version. The registration file contains information pertinent to each agent. It also includes the name of the agent, the subtree OIDs managed by the respective agent, request time out, and the preferred port number. The following example shows the format of each entry in this file.

<Config> : <Macro> <Agents>
<Macro> : “macros” “=” “{“ <MacrosList>“}”
<MacrosList> : <MacrosList> <MacroItem> | empty
<MacroItem> : label “=” <SubidList>
<SubidsLis> : <SubidsList> “.” <Subid> | <Subid>
<Subid> : “mib2” | “sun” | “enterprise” | identifier | number
<Agents> : “agents” “=” “{“ <AgentList> “}”
<AgentList> : <AgentList> <AgentItem> | <AgentItem>
<AgentItem> : “{“ <Name> <SubtreesTables> <TimeOut> <WatchDogTimer> <Port>“}”
<Name> : label “=” quotestring
<SubtreesTables> : <SubtreesTables> | <Subtrees> | <Tables>
<Subtrees> : “subtrees” “=” “{“ <SubtreesList> “}”
<SubtreesList> : <SubtreesList> “,” <SubtreeItem> | <SubtreeItem> | empty
<SubtreeItem> : <SubidsList>
<Tables> : “tables” “=” “{“ <TableList>“}”
<TableList> : <TableList> <TableItem> | empty|
<TableItem> : “{“ <Table> <Columns> <Indexs> “}”
<Table> : “table” “=” <SubidsList>
<Columns> : “column” “=” <Range>
<Range> : “[“ number “]” | number
<Index>s : “indexs” “=” <Range>
<TimeOut> : “timeout” “=” number
<WatchDogTimer>: “watch-dog-time” “=” number
<Port> : “port” = number

The registration file name may have any extension. The reg extension is recommended. The following is an example of an actual subtree file.

macros = {
applicationTable = mib-2.27
sun = enterprise.42
agents = {
name = “ExampleAgent”
subtrees = { mib-2, sun }
tables = {
{ #begin table
table = applicationTable
columns = [ 2 -15 ]
indexes = [ 2 -3 ]
} #end table
} #end of tables
timeout = 20000 # Optional. Each SNMP request time out. This is
in microseconds.
watch_dog_time = 300 # This is in seconds
port = 4000 # Optional
} #end of agents

This configuration file consists of two groups of information:

The variables used in the agents group are as follows:

Note –

Dynamic agents developed using Solstice Enterprise Agents libraries do not need to be invoked by the Master Agent. For such agents, there may not be any entry in the Master Agent resource file. Such agents open any available port by themselves.