System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)


You must establish an alias to be used in the other mapping attributes. If the NIS+ object name is not fully qualified (does not end in a dot), the value of the nisplusLDAPbaseDomain is appended.

For example,

nisplusLDAPdatabaseIdMapping	rpc:rpc.org_dir 

defines the database id rpc as an alias for the NIS+ rpc.org_dir table.

Note that NIS+ table objects might appear twice with two different database ids, once for the table object itself (if the object should be mapped to LDAP), and once for the table entries. For example,

nisplusLDAPdatabaseIdMapping	rpc_table:rpc.org_dir
nisplusLDAPdatabaseIdMapping	rpc:rpc.org_dir

defines the database ids rpc_table and rpc as aliases for the rpc.org_dir table. Later definitions will make it clear that rpc_table is used for the rpc.org_dir table object, and rpc for the entries in that table.