IPQoS Administration Guide

IPQoS on Individual Hosts

The following figure shows a single network of IPQoS-enabled systems.

Figure 2–1 IPQoS Systems on a Network Segment

Topology diagram shows a local network with a diffserv router, and three IPQoS-enabled systems: FTP server, database server, and a web server.

The network that is shown in the previous figure is but one segment of a corporate intranet. By enabling IPQoS on the application servers and web servers, you can control the rate at which each IPQoS system releases outgoing traffic onto the network stream. If you make the router diffserv-aware, you can further control incoming and outgoing traffic.

The examples in this guide use the IPQoS on an individual host scenario. For the example topology that is used throughout the guide, see Figure 2–4.