IPQoS Administration Guide

Examples—IPQoS Output From /var/adm/messages

When you view /var/adm/messages after system reboot, your output might contain IPQoS logging messages similar to the following.

May 14 10:44:33 ipqos-14 ipqosconf: [ID 815575 user.info]
 New configuration applied.
May 14 10:44:46 ipqos-14 ipqosconf: [ID 469457 user.info] 
Current configuration saved to init file.
May 14 10:44:55 ipqos-14 ipqosconf: [ID 435810 user.info]
Configuration flushed.

You might also see IPQoS error messages similar to the following in your IPQoS system's /var/adm/messages file.

May 14 10:56:47 ipqos-14 ipqosconf: [ID 123217 user.error]
 Missing/Invalid config file fmt_version.
May 14 10:58:19 ipqos-14 ipqosconf: [ID 671991 user.error] 
No ipgpc action defined.

For a description of the previous error messages, see Table 4–2.