IPQoS Administration Guide

Using acctadm with the flowacct Module

You use the acctadm command to create a file in which to store the various flow records that are generated by flowacct. acctadm works in conjunction with the extended accounting facility. For technical information about acctadm, refer to the acctadm(1M) man page.

flowacct observes flows and fills its table with flow records. flowacct then evaluates its parameters and attributes in the interval that is specified by timer. When a packet is not seen for at least the last_seen plus timeout values, the packet times out. All timed-out entries are deleted from the flow table. They are then written to the accounting file each time the interval that is specified in the timer parameter elapses.

To invoke acctadm for use with the flowacct module, use the following syntax:

acctadm -e type -f filename flow

acctadm -e

Invokes acctadm with the -e option. The -e indicates that a resource list follows.


Specifies the attributes to be gathered. file-type must be replaced by either basic or extended. For a list of attributes in each file type, refer to Table 6–4.

-f file_name

Creates the file file_name to hold the flow records.


Indicates that acctadm is to be run with IPQoS.