System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

Solaris Management Console (Overview)

The following sections provide information about the Solaris Management Console.

What Is the Solaris Management Console?

The Solaris Management Console is a container for GUI-based management tools that are stored in collections referred to as toolboxes. The console includes a default toolbox with many basic management tools, including tools for managing users, projects, and cron jobs; for mounting and sharing file systems; and for managing disks and serial ports. For a brief description of each Solaris management tool, see Table 2–1.

You can always add tools to the existing toolbox, or you can create new toolboxes.

The Solaris Management Console has three primary components:

The default toolbox is visible when you start the console.

Solaris Management Console Tools

This table describes the tools included in the default Solaris Management Console toolbox and provides cross-references to background information for each tool.

Table 2–1 Solaris Management Console Tool Suite




For More Information 

System Status

System Information 

Monitors and manages system information such as date, time, and timezone. 

“Displaying and Changing System Information (Tasks)” in System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration


Log Viewer 

Monitors and manages the Solaris Management Console tools log and system logs. 

“Troubleshooting Software Problems (Overview)” in System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration



Monitors and manages system processes. 

“Processes and System Performance” in System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration



Monitors system performance. 

“Managing System Performance (Overview)” in System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

System Configuration


Manages users, rights, roles, groups, and mailing lists. 

What Are User Accounts and Groups? and “Role-Based Access Control (Overview)” in System Administration Guide: Security Services



Creates and manages entries in the /etc/project database.

“Projects and Tasks” in System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services


Computers and Networks 

Creates and monitors computer and network information. 

Solaris Management Console online help 



Manages patches. 

Chapter 24, Managing Solaris Patches (Tasks)


Scheduled Jobs 

Creates and manages scheduled cron jobs.

“Ways to Automatically Execute System Tasks” in System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration


Mounts and Shares  

Mounts and shares file systems. 

Chapter 37, Managing File Systems (Overview)



Creates and manages disk partitions. 

Chapter 31, Managing Disks (Overview)


Enhanced Storage 

Creates and manages volumes, hot spare pools, state database replicas, and disk sets. 

Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide

Devices and Hardware

Serial Ports 

Sets up terminals and modems. 

“Managing Terminals and Modems (Overview)” in System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

Context–sensitive help is available after you start a tool. For broader, more in-depth online information than the context help provides, see the expanded help topics, which you can reach from the console Help menu.

Why Use the Solaris Management Console?

The console provides a set of tools with many benefits for administrators. The console does the following:

For in-depth information about how RBAC works, its benefits, and how to apply those benefits to your site, see “Role-Based Access Control (Overview)” in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

To learn more about using RBAC with the Solaris management tools, see Using the Solaris Management Tools With RBAC (Task Map).

Organization of the Solaris Management Console

In the following figure, the console is shown with the Users Tool open.

The main part of the console consists of three panes:

Figure 2–1 Solaris Management Console – Users Tool

Simple screen capture shows the Users tool icon selected in the Solaris Management Console. Shows the Navigation, View, and Information panes.

Changing the Solaris Management Console Window

The layout of the console window is highly configurable. You can use the following features to change the console window layout:

Solaris Management Console Documentation

The main source of documentation for using the console and its tools is the online help system. Two forms of online help are available: context-sensitive help and expanded help topics.

For a brief overview of each tool, refer to Table 2–1.

How Much Role-Based Access Control?

As described in Why Use the Solaris Management Console?, a major advantage of using the Solaris management tools is the ability to use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). RBAC provides administrators with access to just the tools and commands they need to perform their jobs.

Depending on your security needs, you can use varying degrees of RBAC, as follows:

RBAC Approach 


For More Information 


Allows you to perform all tasks as superuser. You can log in as yourself. When you select a Solaris management tool, you enter root as the user and the root password. 

How to Become Superuser (root) or Assume a Role

Root as a Role 

Eliminates anonymous root logins and prevents users from logging in as root. This approach requires users to log in as themselves before they assume the root role.  

Note that you can apply this technique whether or not you are using other roles. 

“Making a Role” in System Administration Guide: Security Services

Single Role Only  

Uses the Primary Administrator role, which is roughly equivalent to having root access only. 

Creating the Primary Administrator Role

Suggested Roles 

Uses three roles that are easily configured: Primary Administrator, System Administrator, and Operator. These roles are appropriate for organizations with administrators at different levels of responsibility whose job capabilities roughly fit the suggested roles. 

“Role-Based Access Control (Overview)” in System Administration Guide: Security Services

Custom Roles 

You can add your own roles, depending on your organization's security needs. 

“Planning for RBAC” in System Administration Guide: Security Services