The programming examples in this section shows the usage of XFN APIs to perform the following operations:
The example below shows XFN operations to list a context.
#include <stdio.h> #include <xfn/xfn.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* This routine returns the list of names bound under the given context (ctx_name). Examples of ctx_name are "user", "thisorgunit/service", host/alto/service, user/jsmit/service/calendar, etc., */ typedef struct fns_listing { char *name; struct fns_listing *next; } fns_listing; fns_listing * fns_list_names(const char *ctx_name) { FN_status_t *status; FN_ctx_t *initial_context; FN_composite_name_t *context_name; FN_namelist_t *name_list; FN_string_t *name; unsigned int stat; fns_listing *head = 0, *current, *prev; int no_names = 0; status = fn_status_create(); /* Obtain the initial context */ initial_context = fn_ctx_handle_from_initial(0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain intial context\n"); return (0); } context_name = fn_composite_name_from_str((unsigned char *) ctx_name); /* FNS call to list names */ name_list = fn_ctx_list_names(initial_context, context_name, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to list names\n"); return (0); } /* Obtain the names individually */ while (name = fn_namelist_next(name_list, status)) { no_names++; current = (fns_listing *) malloc(sizeof(fns_listing)); current->name = (char *) malloc(strlen((char *) fn_string_str(name, &stat)) + 1); strcpy(current->name, (char *) fn_string_str(name, &stat)); current->next = 0; if (head) { prev->next = current; prev = current; } else { head = current; prev = current; } fn_string_destroy(name); } fn_namelist_destroy(name_list); fn_status_destroy(status); fn_ctx_destroy(initial_context); return (head); |
Example 25–1 shows how to create a binding.
#include <stdio.h> #include <xfn/xfn.h> #include <string.h> /* This routine creates a binding with a name provided by "name" and having a reference type "reference_type" and address type "address_type". An example of using the function could be: fns_create_bindings( "user/jsmith/service/calendar", "onc_calendar", "onc_cal_str", "jsmith&calserver"); */ int fns_create_bindings( char *name, char *reference_type, char *address_type, char *data) { int return_status; FN_composite_name_t *binding_name; FN_identifier_t ref_id, addr_id; FN_status_t *status; FN_ref_t *reference; FN_ref_addr_t *address; FN_ctx_t *initial_context; /* Obtain the initial context */ status = fn_status_create(); initial_context = fn_ctx_handle_from_initial(0, status); /* Check status for any error messages */ if ((return_status = fn_status_code(status)) != FN_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain the initial context\n"); return (return_status); } /* Get the composite name for the printer name */ binding_name = fn_composite_name_from_str((unsigned char *) name); /* Construct the Address */ addr_id.format = FN_ID_STRING; addr_id.length = strlen(address_type); addr_id.contents = (void *) address_type; address = fn_ref_addr_create(&addr_id, strlen(data), (const void *) data); /* Construct the Reference */ ref_id.format = FN_ID_STRING; ref_id.length = strlen(reference_type); ref_id.contents = (void *) reference_type; reference = fn_ref_create(&ref_id); /* Add Address to the Reference */ fn_ref_append_addr(reference, address); /* Create a binding */ fn_ctx_bind(initial_context, binding_name, reference, 0, status); /* Check the error status and return */ return_status = fn_status_code(status); fn_composite_name_destroy(binding_name); fn_ref_addr_destroy(address); fn_ref_destroy(reference); fn_ctx_destroy(initial_context); return (return_status); } |
The examples below show techniques to list and work with attributes of an object.
The example below shows how to list the attributes of an object.
#include <stdio.h> #include <xfn/xfn.h> /* This routine prints all the attributes associated with the named object to the standard output. Examples of using the function: fns_attr_list("user/jsmith"); fns_attr_list("thisorgunit/service/printer/color"); */ void fns_attr_list(const char *name) { FN_composite_name_t *name_comp; const FN_identifier_t *identifier; FN_attribute_t *attribute; const FN_attrvalue_t *values; char *id, *val; FN_multigetlist_t *attrset; void *ip; FN_status_t *status; FN_ctx_t *initial_context; name_comp = fn_composite_name_from_str((unsigned char *) name); status = fn_status_create(); /* Obtain the initial context */ initial_context = fn_ctx_handle_from_initial(0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain intial context\n"); return; } /* Obtain all the attributes */ attrset = fn_attr_multi_get(initial_context, name_comp, 0, 0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain attributes\n"); return; } /* List all attributes */ while (attribute = fn_multigetlist_next(attrset, status)) { identifier = fn_attribute_identifier(attribute); switch(identifier->format) { case FN_ID_STRING: id = (char *) malloc(identifier->length + 1); memcpy(id, identifier->contents, identifier->length); id[identifier->length] = '\0'; printf("Attribute Identifier: %s", id); free(id); break; default: printf("Attribute of non-string format\n\n"); continue; } for (values = fn_attribute_first(attribute, &ip); values != NULL; values = fn_attribute_next(attribute, &ip)) { val = (char *) malloc(values->length + 1); memcpy(val, values->contents, values->length); val[values->length] = '\0'; printf("Value: %s", val); free(val); } fn_attribute_destroy(attribute); printf("\n"); } fn_multigetlist_destroy(attrset); fn_ctx_destroy(initial_context); fn_status_destroy(status); fn_composite_name_destroy(name_comp); } |
The example below shows how to add, delete, or modify an object's attributes.
#include <stdio.h> #include <xfn/xfn.h> /* This routine modifies an attribute associated with the named object. The modify operation supported are: FN_ATTR_OP_ADD FN_ATTR_OP_ADD_EXCLUSIVE FN_ATTR_OP_REMOVE FN_ATTR_OP_ADD_VALUES FN_ATTR_OP_REMOVE_VALUES The function assumes the attribute values to be strings. Examples of using the function: The following function add an attribute of identifier "realname" with value "James Smith" to the user object "user/jsmith". fns_attr_modify( "user/jsmith", "realname", "James Smith", FN_ATTR_OP_ADD); The following function removes an attribute of identifier "location" from the printer object "thisorgunit/service/printer/color". fns_attr_modify( "thisorgunit/service/printer/color", "location", NULL, FN_ATTR_OP_REMOVE); */ static const char *attr_id_syntax = "fn_attr_syntax_ascii"; void fns_attr_modify(const char *name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_value, unsigned int operation) { FN_composite_name_t *name_comp; FN_identifier_t identifier, syntax; FN_attrvalue_t *values; FN_attribute_t *attribute; FN_status_t *status; FN_ctx_t *initial_context; name_comp = fn_composite_name_from_str((unsigned char *) name); status = fn_status_create(); /* Obtain the initial context */ initial_context = fn_ctx_handle_from_initial(0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain intial context\n"); return; } /* Create the attribute to be added */ /* First, the identifier */ identifier.format = FN_ID_STRING; identifier.length = strlen(attr_id); identifier.contents = (void *) strdup(attr_id); /* Second, the syntax */ syntax.format = FN_ID_STRING; syntax.length = strlen(attr_id_syntax); syntax.contents = (void *) strdup(attr_id_syntax); /* Third, the attribute value */ if (attr_value) { values = (FN_attrvalue_t *) malloc(sizeof(FN_attrvalue_t)); values->length = strlen(attr_value); values->contents = (void *) strdup(attr_value); } else values = NULL; /* Fourth, create the attribute */ attribute = fn_attribute_create(&identifier, &syntax); /*Fifth, add the attribute value */ if (values) fn_attribute_add(attribute, values, 0); /* Perform the XFN operation */ fn_attr_modify(initial_context, name_comp, operation, attribute, 0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to perform attribute operation\n"); fn_ctx_destroy(initial_context); fn_status_destroy(status); fn_composite_name_destroy(name_comp); fn_attibute_destroy(attribute); free(identifier.contents); free(syntax.contents); if (values) { free(values->contents); free(values); ] ] |
The example below shows how to search for objects in a context with a specific attribute identifier and value.
#include <stdio.h> #include <xfn/xfn.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* This routine searchs for objects in a context which has the specified attribute identifier and value. */ typedef struct fns_search_results { char *name; struct fns_search_results *next; } fns_search_results; static const char *attr_id_syntax = "fn_attr_syntax_ascii"; fns_search_results * fns_attr_search(const char *name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_value) { FN_status_t *status; FN_ctx_t *initial_context; FN_composite_name_t *context_name; FN_searchlist_t *search_list; FN_string_t *search_name; FN_attribute_t *attribute; FN_attrset_t *attrset; FN_identifier_t identifier, syntax; FN_attrvalue_t *values; unsigned stat; fns_search_results *head = 0, *current, *prev; int no_names = 0; context_name = fn_composite_name_from_str((unsigned char *) name); status = fn_status_create(); initial_context = fn_ctx_handle_from_initial(0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain intial context\n"); return (0); } /* Construnct the attrset with attributes to be searched */ /* First, the identifier */ identifier.format = FN_ID_STRING; identifier.length = strlen(attr_id); identifier.contents = (void *) strdup(attr_id); /* Second, the syntax */ syntax.format = FN_ID_STRING; syntax.length = strlen(attr_id_syntax); syntax.contents = (void *) strdup(attr_id_syntax); /* Third, the attribute value */ values = (FN_attrvalue_t *) malloc(sizeof(FN_attrvalue_t)); values->length = strlen(attr_value); values->contents = (void *) strdup(attr_value); /* Fourth, create the attribute */ attribute = fn_attribute_create(&identifier, &syntax); /* Fifth, add the attribute value */ fn_attribute_add(attribute, values, 0); /* Sixth, create attrset, and add the attribute */ attrset = fn_attrset_create(); fn_attrset_add(attrset, attribute, 0); search_list = prelim_fn_attr_search(initial_context, context_name, attrset, 0, 0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to list names\n"); return (0); } while (search_name = prelim_fn_searchlist_next(search_list, 0, 0, status)) { no_names++; current = (fns_search_results *) malloc(sizeof(fns_search_results)); current->name = (char *) malloc(strlen((char *) fn_string_str(search_name, &stat)) + 1); strcpy(current->name, (char *) fn_string_str(search_name, &stat)); current->next = 0; if (head) { prev->next = current; prev = current; } else { head = current; prev = current; } fn_string_destroy(search_name); } fn_searchlist_destroy(search_list); fn_status_destroy(status); fn_ctx_destroy(initial_context); fn_attrset_destroy(attrset); fn_attribute_destroy(attribute); free(identifier.contents); free(syntax.contents); free(values->contents); free(values); return (head); } |