System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)

Table Population Summaries

Following are summaries of the steps required to populate NIS+ tables. They assume the simplest case, so be sure you are familiar with the more thorough task descriptions before you use this summary as a reference. For brevity, these summaries do not show the server's responses to each command.

Table 9–5 Transferring Files Into NIS+ Tables: Command Summary



Log in to an NIS+ client. 


Create working copies of the files to be transferred. 

% cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.xfr

Add /usr/lib/nis to search path.

% PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/nis; export PATH

Transfer each file, one at a time. 

% nisaddent -m -f /etc/hosts.xfr hosts

Remove old server credentials from publickey file.

% vi /etc/publickey.xfer

Transfer it to the cred table. 

% nisaddent -a -f /etc/publickey.xfr cred

Transfer the automounter files. 

% nisaddent -f auto.master.xfr -t auto_master.org_dir key-value

% nisaddent -f auto.home.xfr -t auto_home.org_dir key-value

Checkpoint the table directory. 

% nisping -C org_dir

Table 9–6 Transferring Maps Into NIS+ Tables: Command Summary



Log in to an NIS+ client. 


Add /usr/lib/nis to search path.

% PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/nis; export PATH

Transfer each map, one at a time. 

% nisaddent -m -y olddoc hosts

Dump publickey map to a file.

% makedbm -u /var/yp/olddoc/publickey.byname > /etc/publickey.xfr

Remove new credentials. 

% vi /etc/publickey.xfr

Transfer the publickey file.

% nisaddent -a -f /etc/publickey.xfr -t cred.ortg_dir publickey

Transfer the automounter maps. 

% nisaddent -y olddoc -Y auto.master -t auto_master.org_dir key-value

% nisaddent -y olddoc -Y auto.home -t auto_home.org_dir key-value

Checkpoint the table directory. 

% nisping -C org_dir

Table 9–7 Transferring NIS+ Tables to NIS Maps: Command Summary



Log in to NIS+ server. 


Transfer NIS+ tables to files. 

% /usr/lib/nis/nisaddent -d [-t table] tabletype > filename

Transfer files to NIS maps. 

% makedbm flags output-file NIS-dbm-file

Table 9–8 Limiting Access to Passwd Column: Command Summary



Log into the domain's master server. 


Check the table's existing rights. 

# niscat -o passwd.org_dir

Assign the table new rights. 

# nischmod og=rmcd,nw= passwd.org_dir

Assign the columns new rights 

# nistbladm -u passwd=o+r, shadow=n+r passwd.org_dir

Verify the new rights. 

# niscat -o passwd.org_dir