System Administration Guide: Security Services

Introduction to Secure Shell

Secure Shell allows a user to securely access a remote host over an unsecured network. Authentication is provided by the use of passwords, public keys, or both. All network traffic is encrypted. Thus, Secure Shell prevents a would-be intruder from being able to read an intercepted communication or from spoofing the system.

Secure Shell provides commands for remote login and remote file transfer. Secure Shell can also be used as an on-demand virtual private network (VPN) to forward X Window system traffic or individual port numbers between the local machines and remote machines over the encrypted network link.

With Secure Shell, you can perform these actions:

Solaris Secure Shell supports the two versions of the Secure Shell protocol. Version 1 is the original version of the protocol. Version 2 is more secure, and it amends some of the basic security design flaws of Version 1. As a result, Version 1 is deprecated and is provided only to assist users who are migrating to Version 2. Users are strongly discouraged from using Version 1.

Note –

Hereafter in this text, v1 is used to represent Version 1, and v2 is used to represent Version 2.

The requirements for Secure Shell authentication are as follows:

The following table shows the authentication methods, the compatible protocol versions, the local host and remote host requirements, and the relative security. Note that the default method is password-based authentication.

Table 5–2 Authentication Methods for Secure Shell

Authentication Method (Protocol Version) 

Local Host Requirements 

Remote Host Requirements 

Security Level 

Password-based (v1 or v2) 

user account 

user account 


RSA/DSA public key (v2) 

user account 

private key in $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa or $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa

public key in $HOME/.ssh/ or $HOME/.ssh/

user account 

user's public key ( or ) in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys


RSA public key (v1) 

user account 

private key in $HOME/.ssh/identity

public key in $HOME/.ssh/

user account 

user's public key ( ) in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys


.rhosts with RSA (v1)

user account 

user account 

local host name in /etc/hosts.equiv, /etc/shosts.equiv, $HOME/.rhosts, or $HOME/.shosts

local host public key in $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts or /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts


.rhosts only (v1 or v2)

user account 

user account 

local host name in /etc/hosts.equiv, /etc/shosts.equiv, $HOME/.rhosts, or $HOME/.shosts
