System Administration Guide: Security Services

Using Secure Shell (Task Map)



For Instructions 

Create a public/private key pair 

Using public/private key pairs is the preferred method for authenticating yourself and encrypting your communications. 

How to Create a Public/Private Key Pair

Log in with Secure Shell 

Encrypted Secure Shell communication is enabled by logging in remotely through a process similar to using rsh.

How to Log In to Another Host with Secure Shell

Log in without a password with Secure Shell 

You can log in using Secure Shell without having to provide a password by using ssh-agent. The ssh-agent command can be run manually or from a startup script.

How to Log in With No Password While Using ssh-agent

How to Set ssh-agent to Run Automatically

Port forwarding in Secure Shell 

 You can specify a local port or a remote port to be used in a Secure Shell connection.

How to Use Secure Shell Port Forwarding

Copy files with Secure Shell 

You can copy remote files securely. 

How to Copy Files With Secure Shell

Transfer files with Secure Shell 

You can log into a remote host with Secure Shell by using transfer commands similar to ftp.

Transferring Files Remotely Using sftp

Connect from a host inside a firewall to a host on the outside 

Secure shell provides commands compatible with HTTP or SOCKS5 that can be specified in a configuration file or on the command line. 

How to Set Up Default Connections to Hosts Outside a Firewall

Example—Connecting to Hosts Outside a Firewall From the Command Line