Solaris 9 (SPARC Platform Edition) 9/02 Release Notes

Chapter 3 End-of-Software Support Statements

This chapter lists end-of-support statements.

Features Removed From the Solaris 9 Operating Environment

adb Map Modifiers and Watchpoint Syntax

The adb utility is implemented as a link to the new mdb utility in this release of the Solaris operating environment.

The mdb(1) man page describes the features of the new debugger, including its adb compatibility mode. Even in this compatibility mode, differences between adb(1) and mdb exist. These differences include the following:

AnswerBook2 Server

The AnswerBook2TM server is no longer included in this release. Existing AnswerBook2 servers can run on the Solaris 9 operating environment. Solaris documentation is available on the Solaris Documentation CD in online formats. All Solaris documentation is also always available at

aspppd Utility

The aspppd utility is no longer included in this release. Instead, use the pppd(1M) utility with Solaris PPP 4.0 utility that is included in the Solaris 9 operating environment.

ATOK8 Japanese Input Method

The ATOK8 Japanese input method is no longer supported in this release. The ATOK12 Japanese input method is included in the Solaris 9 operating environment. The ATOK12 Japanese input method provides a similar range of operations to the ATOK8 with the addition of several enhancements.

crash Utility

The crash utility is no longer supported in this release. In the Solaris 9 operating environment, the mdb(1) utility provides a function that is similar to the function of the crash utility. The mdb utility also examines system crash dump files. The crash utility's interface has been structured around implementation details, such as slots, that have no relation to the Solaris operating system implementation.

"Transition From" in Solaris Modular Debugger Guide provides information for users who are making the transition from using crash to using mdb.

Crash Dump Options for Solaris ipcs Command

The capability of applying the ipcs(1) command to system crash dumps by using the -C and -N command-line options is no longer supported in this release. Equivalent capability is now provided by the mdb(1) ::ipcs debugger command.

cs00 Japanese Input Method

The cs00 Japanese input method is no longer supported in the Solaris 9 operating environment. Related interfaces, such as the xci interface, the Japanese Feature Package (JFP) libmle API, and the mle command, are also no longer supported in the Solaris 9 operating environment.

If you upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment from a previous release, the existing public user dictionary /var/mle/ja/cs00/cs00_u.dic is removed.

Two Japanese input methods, ATOK12 and Wnn6, are supported in the Solaris 9 operating environment. For more information on the ATOK12 and Wnn6 input methods, see the International Language Environments Guide.

Early Access (EA) Directory

The name of the EA directory has been changed to ExtraValue in the Solaris 9 operating environment.

Emulex MD21 Disk Controller for ESDI Drives

The MD21 disk controller for ESDI drives is no longer supported in the Solaris 9 operating environment.

enable_mixed_bcp Tunable

The enable_mixed_bcp tunable is no longer supported in this release. In Solaris releases prior to the Solaris 9 operating environment, the /etc/system variable enable_mixed_bcp could be set to 0 to disable dynamic linking of partially statically linked SunOSTM 4.0 and compatible executables. The system used dynamic linking for these executables by default. In the Solaris 9 operating environment, dynamic linking is always used for these executables, and the enable_mixed_bcp tunable has been removed from the system. This change does not affect binary compatibility for SunOS 4.0 and compatible executables in any way.

japanese Locale Name Alternate

The japanese locale name alternate of the ja Japanese Extended UNIX® Code (EUC) locale is no longer supported in this release. This locale name facilitated migration from the Solaris 1.0 release, and compatible releases. You can use ja or ja_JP.eucJP as the Japanese EUC locale with the Solaris 9 operating environment. The Solaris 1.0 BCP (JLE) application, and compatible versions, can still run in the Solaris 9 operating environment without any changes.

Java Software Developer's Kit (SDK) 1.2.2

Version 1.2.2 of the JavaTM SDK (SUNWj2dev) is no longer included in the Solaris 9 release. Near-equivalent capability is supported by Java 2 Standard Edition, versions 1.4 and compatible versions. Current and previous versions of JDK and JRE are available for download from

JDK 1.1.8 and JRE 1.1.8

Version 1.1.8 of the JDK and version 1.1.8 of the JRE are no longer supported in this release. Near-equivalent capability is supported by Java 2 Standard Edition, versions 1.4 and compatible versions. Current and previous versions of JDK and JRE are available for download from

OpenWindows Toolkits for Developers

Development in the OpenWindowsTM XViewTM and OLIT toolkits is no longer supported in this release. Developers are encouraged to migrate to the Motif toolkit. Applications that were developed with the OpenWindows XView and OLIT toolkits can still run on the Solaris 9 operating environment.

OpenWindows Environment for Users

The OpenWindows environment is no longer supported in this release. The Common Desktop Environment (CDE) is the default desktop environment that is included in the Solaris 9 operating environment. Applications that use the OpenWindows XView and OLIT toolkits can still run on the Solaris 9 operating environment in CDE.

Priority Paging and Related Kernel Tunables (priority_paging/cachefree)

The priority_paging and cachefree tunable parameters are not supported in the Solaris 9 release. These parameters have been replaced with an enhanced file system caching architecture that implements paging policies that are similar to priority paging, but always enabled. Attempts to set these parameters in the /etc/system file result in boot-time warnings such as the following:

sorry, variable 'priority_paging' is not defined in the 'kernel'
sorry, variable 'cachefree' is not defined in the 'kernel'

If you upgrade to the Solaris 9 release or pkgadd the SUNWcsr packages, and your /etc/system file includes the priority_paging or cachefree parameters, the following occurs:

  1. The following message is displayed if the priority_paging or cachefree parameters are set in the /etc/system file:

    NOTE: /etc/system has been modified since it contains references to
    priority paging tunables. Please review the changed file.
  2. Comments are inserted in the /etc/system file before any line that sets priority_paging or cachefree. For example, if priority_paging is set to 1, this line is replaced with the following lines:

    * NOTE: As of Solaris 9, priority paging is unnecessary and 
    * has been removed. Since references to priority paging-related tunables 
    * will now result in boot-time warnings, the assignment below has been 
    * commented out. For more details, see the Solaris 9 Release Notes, or 
    * the "Solaris Tunable Parameters Reference Manual".
    * set priority_paging=1

s5fs File System

The s5fs file system is no longer supported in this release. The s5fs file system supports the installation of Interactive UNIX applications which is no longer required in the Solaris operating environment.

sendmail Utility Features

Some features of the sendmail utility are no longer supported in this release. The affected features are modifications that are mostly nonstandard and specific to Sun. These features include special syntax and special semantics for V1/Sun configuration files, the remote mode feature, the AutoRebuildAliases option, and the three sun-reverse-alias features.

More information about these features and migration issues is located at


The SUNWebnfs package is no longer included on the Solaris operating environment media.

The library and documentation are available for download from

sun4d-Based Servers

The following servers that are based on the sun4d architecture are no longer supported in this release.

Hardware options that are dependent on the sun4d architecture are no longer supported in this release.


The SUNWrdm package, which formerly contained text release notes, is no longer included on the Solaris Software CD in this release.

For release notes, refer to the Release Notes on the Solaris Documentation CD, the printed Installation Release Notes, or the most current release notes that are available on

Features That Might Be Removed in a Future Release

Solaris 32-bit Sun4U Kernel

Many installations of the Solaris 7, 8, and 9 software use the default 64-bit kernel to support 32-bit and 64-bit applications. Customers who use the 32-bit kernel on UltraSPARC systems should read this notice.

In the Solaris 7, 8 and 9 operating environments, all systems that are based on the UltraSPARC I and UltraSPARC II processors allow administrators the choice of booting a 32-bit kernel or a 64-bit kernel. The UltraSPARC III® and later systems support only the 64-bit kernel.

In a future release of the Solaris operating environment, the 32-bit kernel might not be available for the UltraSPARC I and UltraSPARC II systems.

The primary impact of these changes are to systems that rely on third-party 32-bit kernel modules: firewalls, kernel-resident drivers, and replacement filesystems, for example. These systems must be updated to use 64-bit versions of those modules.

Another impact of these changes is that UltraSPARC systems that contain UltraSPARC I processors with clocks that run at 200MHz or lower frequencies might not be supported in a future release.

To identify the system's kernel type, use the isainfo(1) command.

% isainfo -kv

To identify the system's processor clock rate, use the psrinfo(1M) command.

% psrinfo -v | grep MHz

Netstat -k Option

The unsupported -k option of netstat, which reports on all named kstats on the running OS instance, might be removed in a future release. Use the supported kstat(1M) command, which provides the same facility. The kstat command was introduced in the Solaris 8 operating environment.

SPARCengine Ultra AX

Support for the SPARCengine UltraTM AXmp graphics card might not be provided in a future release of the Solaris operating environment. Related support for third-party graphics cards, such as the IGS CyberPro2010 on the Ultra AX, might not be provided in a future release of the Solaris operating environment.

Standalone Router Discovery

The /usr/sbin/in.rdisc implementation of the IPv4 ICMP Router Discovery protocol might not be supported in a future release of Solaris. A near-equivalent version of this protocol, which is implemented as a component of /usr/sbin/in.routed, supports an enhanced administrative interface. The /usr/sbin/in.routed component supports the implementation of Routing Information Protocol (RIP) version 2. The /usr/sbin/in.routed component also has the ability to distinguish Mobile IP advertisements from Router Discovery messages.


AdminTool (admintool), including swmtool, might not be supported in a future release.

Asian Short dtlogin Names

The following Asian short locale names might not be listed in the dtlogin language list in a future release.

The Solaris 8, Solaris 9 , and Solaris 9 9/02 releases provide new ISO standard locale names, including:

Device Management Entries in power.conf

The Device Management entries in power.conf(4) might not be supported in a future release. Similar capability is provided by the Automatic Device Power Management entries in the Solaris 9 operating environment.

Federated Naming Service XFN Libraries and Commands

The Federated Naming Service (FNS), which is based on the X/Open XFN standard, might not be supported in a future release.

GMT Zoneinfo Time Zones

The /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/GMT[+-]* time zones might not be supported in a future release. These files might be removed from /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo. Replace usage of the zoneinfo time zones with the equivalent Etc/GMT[-+]* file. See the man pages zoneinfo(4) and environ(5) for more information.

JRE 1.2.2

Version 1.2.2 of the JavaTM runtime environment (JRE) might not be supported in a future release. Similar capability is supported by Java 2 Standard Edition, version 1.4 and compatible versions. Current and previous versions of JRE are available for download from

Kerberos Version 4 Client

The Kerberos version 4 client might be removed from a future release. This client includes the Kerberos version 4 support in the kinit(1), kdestroy(1), klist(1), mount_nfs(1M), mount_nfs(1M), and kerbd commands. The Kerberos version 4 client also includes support in the kerberos (3KRB) library, and in the ONC RPC programming API kerberos_rpc (3KRB).

Korean CID Fonts

Korean CID fonts might not be supported in a future release. You can use the Korean TrueType fonts that are included in the Solaris operating environment as a replacement for Korean CID fonts.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Client Library

LDAP client library,, might not be included in a future release. The current version of this library,, is compliant with the draft-ietf-ldapext-ldap-c-api-05.txt revision of the ldap-c-api draft from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).


NIS+ might not be supported in a future release. Tools to aid in the migration from NIS+ to LDAP are available in the Solaris 9 operating environment. For more information, visit

pam_unix Module

The pam_unix(5) module might not be supported in a future release. A similar range of operations is provided by pam_authtok_check(5), pam_authtok_get(5), pam_authtok_store(5), pam_dhkeys(5), pam_passwd_auth(5), pam_unix_account(5), pam_unix_auth(5), and pam_unix_session(5).

Perl Version 5.005_03

Perl version 5.005_03 might not be supported in a future release. In the Solaris 9 operating environment, the default version of Perl has been changed to a version that is not binary compatible with the earlier version (5.005_03). However, the earlier version of Perl is still retained for compatibility. Customer-installed modules need to be rebuilt and reinstalled against the new version. Modify any scripts that require the use of version 5.005_03 to explicitly use the 5.005_03 version of the interpreter (/usr/perl5/5.005_03/bin/perl) instead of the default version (/bin/perl, /usr/bin/perl, or /usr/perl5/bin/perl).

Power Management I/O Control Commands

The following power management I/O control commands (ioctls) might not be supported in a future release.

The following alternative ioctls are supported in the Solaris 9 9/02 operating environment.

For more information on these alternative ioctls, see the ioctl(2) man page.

Solstice Enterprise Agents

Solstice Enterprise Agents might not be supported in a future release.

SPC Driver

The SPC driver might not be supported in a future release.

sun4m Hardware

sun4m hardware might not be supported in a future release of the Solaris operating environment.


XIL might not be supported in a future release. An application that uses XIL causes the following warning message to be displayed.

     This application uses the Solaris XIL interface
     which has been declared obsolete and may not be
     present in version of Solaris beyond Solaris 9.
     Please notify your application supplier. 
     The message can be suppressed by setting the environment variable

xutops Print Filter

The xutops print filter might not be supported in a future release. A similar range of operations is provided by the mp(1) print filter in the Solaris 9 9/02 operating environment.