Solaris 9 (SPARC Platform Edition) 9/02 Release Notes

Boot From Solaris DVD Fails on Systems With Toshiba SD-M1401 DVD-ROM (4467424)

If your system has a Toshiba SD-M1401 DVD-ROM drive with firmware revision 1007, the system cannot boot from the Solaris 9 9/02 DVD.

Workaround: Apply patch 111649-03, or a later version, to update the Toshiba SD-M1401 DVD-ROM drive's firmware. Patch 111649-03 is included on the Solaris 9 9/02 Supplement CD in the following directory.


See the README file in this directory for instructions on how to install the patch. Be sure to read and follow all the cautions and warnings in this README file before you install the patch.