Solaris 9 Installation Guide

Splitting Archives

The flar command with the -s option splits a Web Start Flash archive into sections. The flar command copies each section into a separate file in the current or specified directory. The files are named after the sections, for example, the archive cookie is saved in a file that is named cookie. You can specify that the flar command only save one section. The syntax of the command is as follows:

flar -s:split[-d dir] [-u section] [-f archive] [-S section] [-t [-p posn] [-b blocksize]] filename

Table 20-5 Command-Line Options for flar -s



-d dir

Retrieves the sections to copy from dir, rather than from the current directory.

-u section

If you do not use this option, flar copies all sections in the current directory. If you use this option, flar copies the Cookie, Identification, Archive, and section sections. You can specify a single section name or a space-separated list of section names.

-f archive

Extracts the Archive section into a directory that is named archive, rather than places it in a file with the name archive.

-S section

Only copies the section that is named section from the archive.