Linker and Libraries Guide

Runtime Linking Programming Interface

Dependencies specified during the link-edit of an application are processed by the runtime linker during process initialization. In addition to this mechanism, the application can extend its address space during its execution by binding to additional objects. The application can request the same services of the runtime linker that are used to process the dependencies specified during the link-edit of the application.

This delayed object binding has several advantages:

An application can use the following typical scenario to access an additional shared object.

The services of the runtime linker are defined in the header file dlfcn.h and are made available to an application by the shared object In the following example, the file main.c can make reference to any of the dlopen(3DL) family of routines, and the application prog can bind to these routines at runtime.

$ cc -o prog main.c -ldl

Loading Additional Objects

Additional objects can be added to a running process's address space using dlopen(3DL). This function takes a path name and a binding mode as arguments, and returns a handle to the application. This handle can be used to locate symbols for use by the application using dlsym(3DL).

If the path name is specified as a simple file name, one with no `/' in the name, then the runtime linker will use a set of rules to generate an appropriate path name. Path names that contain a `/' will be used as provided.

These search path rules are exactly the same as are used to locate any initial dependencies. See Directories Searched by the Runtime Linker. For example, if the file main.c contains the following code fragment:

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        <dlfcn.h>
main(int argc, char ** argv)
        void *  handle;
        if ((handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) {
                (void) printf("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
                exit (1);

then to locate the shared object, the runtime linker uses any LD_LIBRARY_PATH definition present at process initialization, followed by any runpath specified during the link-edit of prog. Finally, the runtime linker uses the default location /usr/lib for 32–bit objects, and /usr/lib/64 for 64–bit objects.

If the path name is specified as:

        if ((handle = dlopen("./", RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) {

then the runtime linker searches for the file only in the current working directory of the process.

Note –

Any shared object specified using dlopen(3DL) should be referenced by its versioned file name. For more information on versioning, see Coordination of Versioned Filenames.

If the required object cannot be located, dlopen(3DL) returns a NULL handle. In this case dlerror(3DL) can be used to display the true reason for the failure. For example:

$ cc -o prog main.c -ldl
$ prog
dlopen: prog: fatal: open failed: No such \
file or directory

If the object being added by dlopen(3DL) has dependencies on other objects, they too are brought into the process's address space. This process continues until all the dependencies of the specified object are loaded. This dependency tree is referred to as a group.

If the object specified by dlopen(3DL), or any of its dependencies, are already part of the process image, then the objects are not processed any further. A valid handle is returned to the application. This mechanism prevents the same object from being loaded more than once, and enables an application to obtain a handle to itself. For example, if the previous main.c example contained the following dlopen() call:

        if ((handle = dlopen((const char *)0, RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) {

then the handle returned from dlopen(3DL) can be used to locate symbols within the application itself, within any of the dependencies loaded as part of the process's initialization, or within any objects added to the process's address space, using a dlopen(3DL) that specified the RTLD_GLOBAL flag.

Relocation Processing

As described in Chapter 3, Runtime Linker, after locating and loading any objects, the runtime linker must process each object and perform any necessary relocations. Any objects brought into the process's address space with dlopen(3DL) must also be relocated in the same manner.

For simple applications this process is straightforward. However, for users who have more complex applications with many dlopen(3DL) calls involving many objects, possibly with common dependencies, this process can be quite important.

Relocations can be categorized according to when they occur. The default behavior of the runtime linker is to process all immediate reference relocations at initialization and all lazy references during process execution, a mechanism commonly referred to as lazy binding.

This same mechanism is applied to any objects added with dlopen(3DL) when the mode is defined as RTLD_LAZY. An alternative is to require all relocations of an object to be performed immediately when the object is added. You can use a mode of RTLD_NOW, or record this requirement in the object when it is built using the link-editor's -z now option. This relocation requirement is propagated to any dependencies of the object being opened.

Relocations can also be categorized into non-symbolic and symbolic. The remainder of this section covers issues regarding symbolic relocations, regardless of when these relocations occur, with a focus on some of the subtleties of symbol lookup.

Symbol Lookup

If an object acquired by dlopen(3DL) refers to a global symbol, the runtime linker must locate this symbol from the pool of objects that make up the process. In the absence of direct binding, a default symbol search model is applied to objects obtained by dlopen(3DL). However, the mode of a dlopen(3DL), combined with the attributes of the objects that make up the process, provide for alternative symbol search models.

Objects that required direct binding, although maintaining all the attributes described later, search for symbols directly in the associated dependency. See Direct Binding.

Two attributes of an object affect symbol lookup. The first is the requesting object's symbol search scope, and the second is the symbol visibility offered by each object within the process. An object's search scope can be:


The object can look in any other global object within the process.


The object can look only in an object of the same group. The dependency tree created from an object obtained with dlopen(3DL), or from an object built using the link-editor's -B group option, forms a unique group.

The visibility of a symbol from an object can be:


The object's symbols can be referenced from any object having world search scope.


The object's symbols can be referenced only from other objects that make up the same group.

By default, objects obtained with dlopen(3DL) are assigned world symbol search scope, and local symbol visibility. The section, Default Symbol Lookup Model, uses this default model to illustrate typical object group interactions. The sections Defining a Global Object, Isolating a Group, and Object Hierarchies show examples of using dlopen(3DL) modes and file attributes to extend the default symbol lookup model.

Default Symbol Lookup Model

For each object added by dlopen(3DL) the runtime linker first looks for the symbol in the dynamic executable. The runtime linker then looks in each of the objects provided during the initialization of the process. If the symbol is still not found, the runtime linker continues the search, looking in the object acquired through the dlopen(3DL) and in any of its dependencies.

In the following example, the dynamic executable prog and the shared object each have the following (simplified) dependencies:

$ ldd prog =>        ./
$ ldd =>        ./

If prog acquires the shared object by dlopen(3DL), then any symbol required to relocate the shared objects and will first be looked for in prog, followed by, followed by, and finally in In this simple case, think of the shared objects acquired through the dlopen(3DL) as if they had been added to the end of the original link-edit of the application. For example, the objects referenced in the previous listing can be expressed diagrammatically as shown in the following figure.

Figure 3–1 A Single dlopen() Request

A single dlopen() request.

Any symbol lookup required by the objects acquired from the dlopen(3DL), shown as shaded blocks, proceeds from the dynamic executable prog through to the final shared object

This symbol lookup is established by the attributes assigned to the objects as they were loaded. Recall that the dynamic executable and all the dependencies loaded with it are assigned global symbol visibility, and that the new objects are assigned world symbol search scope. Therefore, the new objects are able to look for symbols in the original objects. The new objects also form a unique group in which each object has local symbol visibility. Therefore, each object within the group can look for symbols within the other group members.

These new objects do not affect the normal symbol lookup required by either the application or its initial object dependencies. For example, if requires a function relocation after the above dlopen(3DL) has occurred, the runtime linker's normal search for the relocation symbol is to look in prog and then The runtime linker does not follow through and look in or

This symbol lookup is again a result of the attributes assigned to the objects as they were loaded. The world symbol search scope is assigned to the dynamic executable and all the dependencies loaded with it. This scope does not allow them to look for symbols in the new objects that only offer local symbol visibility.

These symbol search and symbol visibility attributes maintain associations between objects based on their introduction into the process address space, and on any dependency relationship between the objects. Assigning the objects associated with a given dlopen(3DL) to a unique group ensures that only objects associated with the same dlopen(3DL) are allowed to look up symbols within themselves and their related dependencies.

This concept of defining associations between objects becomes more clear in applications that carry out more than one dlopen(3DL). For example, suppose the shared object has the following dependency:

$ ldd =>         ./

and the prog application used dlopen(3DL) to load this shared object in addition to the shared object The following figure illustrates the symbol lookup releationship between the objects.

Figure 3–2 Multiple dlopen() Requests

Multiple dlopen() requests.

Suppose that both and contain a definition for the symbol foo, and both and contain a relocation that requires this symbol. Because of the association of objects to a unique group, is bound to the definition in, and is bound to the definition in This mechanism is intended to provide the most intuitive binding of objects obtained from multiple calls to dlopen(3DL).

When objects are used in the scenarios that have so far been described, the order in which each dlopen(3DL) occurs has no effect on the resulting symbol binding. However, when objects have common dependencies, the resultant bindings can be affected by the order in which the dlopen(3DL) calls are made.

In the following example, the shared objects and have the same common dependency.

$ ldd =>        ./
$ ldd =>        ./

In this example, the prog application will dlopen(3DL) each of these shared objects. Because the shared object is a common dependency of both and, is assigned to both of the groups that are associated with the two dlopen(3DL) calls. This relationship is shown in the following figure.

Figure 3–3 Multiple dlopen() Requests With A Common Dependency

Multiple dlopen() requests with a common dependency. is available for both and to look up symbols. More importantly, as far as dlopen(3DL) ordering is concerned, is also be able to look up symbols in both and

Therefore, if both and contain a definition for the symbol foo, which is required for a relocation, the actual binding that occurs is unpredictable because it is affected by the order of the dlopen(3DL) calls. If the functionality of symbol foo differs between the two shared objects in which it is defined, the overall outcome of executing code within might vary depending on the application's dlopen(3DL) ordering.

Defining a Global Object

The default assignment of local symbol visibility to the objects obtained by a dlopen(3DL) can be promoted to global by augmenting the mode argument with the RTLD_GLOBAL flag. Under this mode, any objects obtained through a dlopen(3DL) can be used by any other objects with world symbol search scope to locate symbols.

In addition, any object obtained by dlopen(3DL) with the RTLD_GLOBAL flag is available for symbol lookup using dlopen() with a path name whose value is 0.

Note –

If a member of a group having local symbol visibility is referenced by another group requiring global symbol visibility, the object's visibility will become a concatenation of both local and global. This promotion of attributes remains even if the global group reference is later removed.

Isolating a Group

The default assignment of world symbol search scope to the objects obtained by a dlopen(3DL) can be reduced to group by augmenting the mode argument with the RTLD_GROUP flag. Under this mode, any objects obtained through a dlopen(3DL) will only be allowed to look for symbols within their own group.

Using the link-editor's -B group option, you can assign the group symbol search scope to objects when they are built.

Note –

If a member of a group, having group search capability, is referenced by another group requiring world search capability, the object's search capability will become a concatenation of both group and world. This promotion of attributes remains even if the world group reference is later removed.

Object Hierarchies

If an initial object, obtained from a dlopen(3DL), was to use dlopen(3DL) to open a secondary object, both objects would be assigned to a unique group. This situation can prevent either object from locating symbols from one another.

In some implementations the initial object has to export symbols for the relocation of the secondary object. This requirement can be satisfied by one of two mechanisms:

If the initial object is an explicit dependency of the secondary object, the initial object is assigned to the secondary objects' group. The initial object is therefore able to provide symbols for the secondary objects' relocation.

If many objects can use dlopen(3DL) to open the secondary object, and each of these initial objects must export the same symbols to satisfy the secondary objects' relocation, then the secondary object cannot be assigned an explicit dependency. In this case, the dlopen(3DL) mode of the secondary object can be augmented with the RTLD_PARENT flag. This flag causes the propagation of the secondary objects' group to the initial object in the same manner as an explicit dependency would do.

There is one small difference between these two techniques. If you specify an explicit dependency, the dependency itself becomes part of the secondary objects' dlopen(3DL) dependency tree, and thus becomes available for symbol lookup with dlsym(3DL). If you obtain the secondary object with RTLD_PARENT, the initial object does not become available for symbol lookup with dlsym(3DL).

When a secondary object is obtained by dlopen(3DL) from an initial object with global symbol visibility, the RTLD_PARENT mode is both redundant and harmless. This case commonly occurs when dlopen(3DL) is called from an application or from one of the dependencies of the application.

Obtaining New Symbols

A process can obtain the address of a specific symbol using dlsym(3DL). This function takes a handle and a symbol name, and returns the address of the symbol to the caller. The handle directs the search for the symbol in the following manner:

The first example is probably the most common. An application adds additional objects to its address space and use dlsym(3DL) to locate function or data symbols. The application then uses these symbols to call upon services provided in these new objects. For example, suppose the file main.c contains the following code:

#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <dlfcn.h>
        void *  handle;
        int *   dptr, (* fptr)();
        if ((handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) {
                (void) printf("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
                exit (1);
        if (((fptr = (int (*)())dlsym(handle, "foo")) == NULL) ||
            ((dptr = (int *)dlsym(handle, "bar")) == NULL)) {
                (void) printf("dlsym: %s\n", dlerror());
                exit (1);
        return ((*fptr)(*dptr));

The symbols foo and bar are searched for in the file, followed by any dependencies that are associated with this file. The function foo is then called with the single argument bar as part of the return() statement.

If the application prog is built using the above file main.c and its initial dependencies are:

$ ldd prog =>    /usr/lib/ =>     /usr/lib/

then if the file name specified in the dlopen(3DL) had the value 0, the symbols foo and bar are searched for in prog, followed by /usr/lib/, and finally /usr/lib/

Once the handle has indicated the root at which to start a symbol search, the search mechanism follows the same model as described in Symbol Lookup.

If the required symbol cannot be located, dlsym(3DL) returns a NULL value. In this case, dlerror(3DL) can be used to indicate the true reason for the failure. In the following example the application prog was unable to locate the symbol bar.

$ prog
dlsym: main: fatal: bar: can't find symbol

Testing for Functionality

The special handle RTLD_DEFAULT enables an application to test for the existence of another symbol. The symbol search follows the same model as used to relocate the calling object. See Default Symbol Lookup Model. For example, if the application prog contained the following code fragment:

        if ((fptr = (int (*)())dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "foo")) != NULL)

then foo is searched for in prog, followed by /usr/lib/, and then /usr/lib/ If this code fragment was contained in the file from the example shown in Figure 3–1, then the search for foo continues into and then

This mechanism provides a robust and flexible alternative to the use of undefined weak references, discussed in Weak Symbols.

Using Interposition

The special handle RTLD_NEXT enables an application to locate the next symbol in a symbol scope. For example, if the application prog contained the following code fragment:

        if ((fptr = (int (*)())dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "foo")) == NULL) {
                (void) printf("dlsym: %s\n", dlerror());
                exit (1);
        return ((*fptr)());

then foo is searched for in the shared objects associated with prog, which in this case are /usr/lib/ and then /usr/lib/ If this code fragment was contained in the file from the example shown in Figure 3–1, then foo is searched for in the associated shared object only.

Using RTLD_NEXT provides a means to exploit symbol interposition. For example, a function within an object can be interposed upon by a preceding object, which can then augment the processing of the original function. For example, if the following code fragment is placed in the shared object

#include    <sys/types.h>
#include    <dlfcn.h>
#include    <stdio.h>
void *
malloc(size_t size)
        static void * (* fptr)() = 0;
        char             buffer[50];
        if (fptr == 0) {
                fptr = (void * (*)())dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "malloc");
                if (fptr == NULL) {
                        (void) printf("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
                        return (0);
        (void) sprintf(buffer, "malloc: %#x bytes\n", size);
        (void) write(1, buffer, strlen(buffer));
        return ((*fptr)(size));

then by interposing this shared object between the system library /usr/lib/ where malloc(3C) usually resides, any calls to this function are interposed on before the original function is called to complete the allocation:

$ cc -o -G -K pic malloc.c
$ cc -o prog file1.o file2.o ..... -R.
$ prog
malloc: 0x32 bytes
malloc: 0x14 bytes

Alternatively, this same interposition can be achieved by:

$ cc -o -G -K pic malloc.c
$ cc -o prog main.c
$ LD_PRELOAD=./ prog
malloc: 0x32 bytes
malloc: 0x14 bytes

Note –

Users of any interposition technique must be careful to handle any possibility of recursion. The previous example formats the diagnostic message using sprintf(3C), instead of using printf(3C) directly, to avoid any recursion caused by printf(3C)'s possible use of malloc(3C).

The use of RTLD_NEXT within a dynamic executable or preloaded object provides a predictable and useful interposition technique. Be careful when using this technique in a generic object dependency, as the actual load order of objects is not always predictable.

Feature Checking

Dynamic objects built by the link-editor sometimes require new runtime linker features. The function _check_rtld_feature() can be used to check if the runtime features required for execution are supported by the running runtime linker. The runtime features currently identified are listed in Table 7–47.