man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands
 sac — Service Access Controller (SAC) ( Index Term Link )
 sacadm — Service Access Controller administration ( Index Term Link )
 sadmind — Distributed system administration daemon ( Index Term Link )
 saf — Service Access Facility (SAF) ( Index Term Link )
  format and output port monitor-specific information — ttyadm ( Index Term Link )
  port monitor for terminal ports — ttymon ( Index Term Link )
 savecore — save OS core dump ( Index Term Link )
 scheduler, process, administration — dispadmin ( Index Term Link )
 sckmd — Sun Fire 15K key management daemon ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI hardware specific commands for cfgadm — cfgadm_scsi ( Index Term Link )
 select a time zone — tzselect ( Index Term Link )
 select naming service for FNS Initial Context — fnselect ( Index Term Link )
 select or display devices used as auxiliary console devices — consadm ( Index Term Link )
 sendmail — mail delivery system ( Index Term Link )
 set serial line interface, set operating parameters — syncinit ( Index Term Link )
 server for changing NIS information
  — rpc.ypupdated ( Index Term Link )
  — ypupdated ( Index Term Link )
  automountd — mount/unmount request server ( Index Term Link )
  biff server — in.comsat ( Index Term Link )
  DARPA TELNET virtual terminal protocol server — in.telnetd ( Index Term Link )
  DARPA trivial name server — in.tnamed ( Index Term Link )
  DHCP server — in.dhcpd ( Index Term Link )
  in.rexecd — remote execution server ( Index Term Link )
  in.uucpd — UUCP server ( Index Term Link )
  inetd — Internet services daemon ( Index Term Link )
  mountd — mount request server ( Index Term Link )
  RARP server — in.rarpd ( Index Term Link )
  system status server — in.rwhod ( Index Term Link )
  talk program server — in.talkd ( Index Term Link )
  yppasswdd — NIS password server ( Index Term Link )
 servers, NIS+, location information — nis_cachemgr ( Index Term Link )
 Service Access Controller
  See SAC
 Service Access Facility
  See SAF
 Service Location Protocol Daemon — slpd ( Index Term Link )
 set printing configuration — lpset ( Index Term Link )
 set the date and time by way of NTP — ntpdate ( Index Term Link )
 set up a virtual FTP host — ftpaddhost ( Index Term Link )
 set up anonymous FTP — ftpconfig ( Index Term Link )
 setuname — changes machine information ( Index Term Link )
 sf880drd — Sun Fire 880 Dynamic Reconfiguration daemon ( Index Term Link )
 share — make local resource available for mounting by remote systems ( Index Term Link )
 share_nfs — make local NFS file system available for mounting by remote systems ( Index Term Link )
 shareall — multiple resources ( Index Term Link )
 SHELL variable — rsh ( Index Term Link )
 shells, the restricted shell command interpreter — rsh ( Index Term Link )
 show Mobile IP Mobility Agent status — mipagentstat ( Index Term Link )
 show network status — netstat ( Index Term Link )
 showmount — display remote mounts ( Index Term Link )
 showrev — displays revision information for current hardware and software ( Index Term Link )
 shutacct — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 shutdown — shutdown system, change system state ( Index Term Link )
 slpd — Service Location Protocol Daemon ( Index Term Link )
 smartcard — configure and administer a smartcard ( Index Term Link )
 smattrpop — populate security attribute databases in a name service ( Index Term Link )
 smc — start the Solaris Management Console ( Index Term Link )
 smccompile — build class list and compile Solaris Management Console service beans for remote use ( Index Term Link )
 smcconf — configure the Solaris Management Console ( Index Term Link )
 smcron — manage jobs in the crontab database ( Index Term Link )
 smdiskless — manage diskless client support for a server ( Index Term Link )
 smexec — manage entries in the exec_attr database ( Index Term Link )
 smgroup — manage group entries ( Index Term Link )
 smlog — manage and view WBEM log files ( Index Term Link )
 smmaillist — manage email alias entries ( Index Term Link )
 smmultiuser — manage bulk operations on user accounts ( Index Term Link )
 smosservice — manage OS services ( Index Term Link )
 smpatch — manage patches ( Index Term Link )
 smprofile — manage profiles in the prof_attr and exec_attr databases ( Index Term Link )
 smrole — manage roles and users in role accounts ( Index Term Link )
 smserialport — manage serial port ( Index Term Link )
 smuser — manage user entries ( Index Term Link )
 snmpdx — Sun Solstice Enterprise Master Agent ( Index Term Link )
 snmpXdmid — Sun Solstice Enterprise SNMP-DMI mapper subagent ( Index Term Link )
 snoop — capture and inspec tnetwork packets ( Index Term Link )
 soconfig — configure transport providers for use by sockets ( Index Term Link )
 software package
  add a file to the software installation database — installf ( Index Term Link )
  check installation accuracy — pkgchk ( Index Term Link )
  remove a file from software database — removef ( Index Term Link )
  remove package from system — pkgrm ( Index Term Link )
  stores answers to an interactive package — pkgask ( Index Term Link )
 soladdapp — adds an application to the Solstice application registry ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA) configuration daemon — ncaconfd ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Print Manager is a graphical user interface for managing printers in a network — printmgr.1m ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Web Start installer utility — installer ( Index Term Link )
 soldelapp — removes an application from the Solstice application registry ( Index Term Link )
 solstice — access system administration tools with a graphical user interface ( Index Term Link )
 SPARCstorage Array, administration program — ssaadm ( Index Term Link )
 special NTP query program — xntpdc ( Index Term Link )
 sppptun — PPP tunneling driver utility ( Index Term Link )
 spray — sends one-way stream of packets to host ( Index Term Link )
 ssaadm — administration program for the SPARCstorage Array ( Index Term Link )
 standard Network Time Protocol query program — ntpq ( Index Term Link )
 start a Message Queue broker instance — imqbrokerd ( Index Term Link )
 Start and stop NIS services, — ypstart ( Index Term Link )
 Start NIS services, — ypstart ( Index Term Link )
 start Sun WBEM User Manager — wbemadmin ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 start the LP print service — lpsched ( Index Term Link )
 start the Solaris Management Console — smc ( Index Term Link )
 start WBEM Log Viewer — wbemlogviewer ( Index Term Link )
 startup — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 startup procedures — boot ( Index Term Link )
 statd — network status monitor ( Index Term Link )
  audit — auditstat ( Index Term Link )
  for file system — ff ( Index Term Link )
  for ufs file system — ff ( Index Term Link )
  I/O — iostat ( Index Term Link )
  NFS, display — nfsstat ( Index Term Link )
  per-processor — mpstat ( Index Term Link )
 stop the processor — halt ( Index Term Link )
 stop the processor — poweroff, poweroff ( Index Term Link )
 Stop NIS services, — ypstop ( Index Term Link )
 stop the LP print service — lpshut ( Index Term Link )
 store mail in a mailbox — mail.local ( Index Term Link )
  automatically pushed modules — autopush ( Index Term Link )
  detach a name from file descriptor — fdetach ( Index Term Link )
  error logger cleanup program — strclean ( Index Term Link )
  error logger daemon — strerr ( Index Term Link )
  port monitor for terminal ports — ttymon ( Index Term Link )
  print trace messages — strace ( Index Term Link )
 su — become super user or another user ( Index Term Link )
 sulogin — single-user mode automatically invoked when system is first started ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Fire 880 Dynamic Reconfiguration daemon — sf880drd ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Fire 15K key management daemon — sckmd ( Index Term Link )
 Sun SNMP Agent — mibiisa ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise DMI Service Provider — dmispd ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Master Agent — snmpdx ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise SNMP-DMI mapper subagent — snmpXdmid ( Index Term Link )
 SUNWgfb_config — configure the XVR-1000 Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 suninstall — install SunOS/SVR4 ( Index Term Link )
 SUNWpfb_config — fbconfig module for configuring XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 SUNWzulu_config — fbconfig module for configuring Sun XVR-4000 Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 super user command — su ( Index Term Link )
 swap — administer the system swap areas ( Index Term Link )
 swmtool — install, upgrade and remove software packages ( Index Term Link )
 sxconfig — configure contiguous memory for sx video ( Index Term Link )
 sync — update super block ( Index Term Link )
 synchronous serial link, report driver statistics — syncstat ( Index Term Link )
 synchronous serial loopback test program — syncloop ( Index Term Link )
 syncinit — set serial line interface operating parameters. ( Index Term Link )
 syncloop — synchronous serial loopback test program ( Index Term Link )
 syncstat — report driver statistics from a synchronous serial link. ( Index Term Link )
 sys-unconfig — undo system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 sysdef — displays current system definition ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent event specification administration — syseventadm ( Index Term Link )
 syseventadm — sysevent event specification administration ( Index Term Link )
 syseventconfd — kernel system event command invocation daemon ( Index Term Link )
 syseventd — kernel system event notification daemon ( Index Term Link )
 sysidconfig — execute or define configuration applications ( Index Term Link )
 sysidnet — system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 sysidpm — system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 sysidroot — system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 sysidtool — system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 syslogd — system log message daemon ( Index Term Link )
 system activity reports — sar ( Index Term Link )
 system status server — in.rwhod ( Index Term Link )
 system administration
  access control lists — admintool ( Index Term Link )
  add a file to the software installation database — installf ( Index Term Link )
  control for basic administrative functions — uadmin ( Index Term Link )
  create formatted files for manual pages — catman ( Index Term Link )
  get entries from administrative database — getent ( Index Term Link )
  install commands — install ( Index Term Link )
  NIS+ aliases — aliasadm ( Index Term Link )
  system databases — admintool ( Index Term Link )
 system configuration
  print information — prtconf ( Index Term Link )
  — sysidnet ( Index Term Link )
  — sysidpm ( Index Term Link )
  — sysidroot ( Index Term Link )
  — sysidtool ( Index Term Link )
  undo — sys-unconfig ( Index Term Link )
 system definition, display current — sysdef ( Index Term Link )
 system diagnostic, print information — prtdiag ( Index Term Link )
 system diagnostic messages, error log — dmesg ( Index Term Link )
 system information, displays revision information for current hardware and software — showrev ( Index Term Link )
 system log daemon — syslog ( Index Term Link )
 system parameters, change value — setuname ( Index Term Link )
 System Performance Analysis Utilities Tools, system activity report package — sar ( Index Term Link )
 system PROM monitor program — monitor ( Index Term Link )
 system shutdown, — halt ( Index Term Link )