System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

Preparation for Managing Signed Patches (Task Map)

Use this map to identify all the preparation tasks that are required before you can add signed patches to your system.



For Instructions 

1. Verify Solaris package requirements 

Verify that the required Solaris packages are installed on your system to support the patch tools. 

How to Verify Package Requirements for Signed Patch Tools

2. Download and install a Solaris patch management tool 

Select a Solaris patch management tool based on your Solaris release. 

How to Download and Install the Solaris Patch Management Tools

3. Import Sun certificates into the keystore 

Import and accept the Sun certificates that are used to verify a patch's signature. 

The SUNWcert package is automatically installed when you install the signed patches tool. Do not install the SUNWcert package separately if you have already installed a signed patches tool.

How to Import Sun Certificates Into the Keystore

4. (Optional) Change the keystore password 

Change the password to keep the keystore secure. 

How to Change the Keystore Password

5. Set up your patch environment 

Set up your system for adding signed patches. 

How to Set Up Your Patch Environment

Using the Solaris Patch Management Tools

Keep the following key points in mind when using the Solaris patch management tools:

How to Verify Package Requirements for Signed Patch Tools

Make sure that you have the required Solaris packages installed on your system before you install the signed patch tools. If you are running the Solaris 2.6, 7, or 8 release, you need a minimal system configuration plus some additional packages. If you are running the Solaris 9 release, you must have the Developer cluster (SUNWCprog) installed on your system to use the signed patch tools.

  1. Identify your Solaris release and select one of the following:

    1. If you are running the Solaris 2.6 release, identify whether the required packages are installed on your system:

      # pkginfo | grep SUNWmfrun
      system      SUNWmfrun      Motif RunTime Kit
      # pkginfo | grep SUNWlibC
      system      SUNWlibC       Sun Workshop Compilers Bundled libC
      # pkginfo | grep SUNWxcu4
      system      SUNWxcu4       XCU4 Utilities
    2. If you are running the Solaris 7 or 8 releases, identify whether the required packages are installed on your system:

      # pkginfo | grep SUNWmfrm
      system      SUNWmfrun      Motif RunTime Kit
      # pkginfo | grep SUNWlibC
      system      SUNWlibC       Sun Workshop Compilers Bundled libC
    3. If you are running the Solaris 9 release, verify that the required Developer cluster is installed on your system:

      # cat /var/sadm/system/admin/CLUSTER
  2. If the pkginfo commands do not return any output, you need to install the required packages.

How to Download and Install the Solaris Patch Management Tools

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Follow the links and download the appropriate tar file for your Solaris release from the following location:

  3. Select one of the following to unpack the patch tool package:

    1. If you are running the Solaris 2.6 or 7 release, uncompress and unpack the package by using the following commands:

      # uncompress SUNWpkg-name.tar.Z
      # tar xvf SUNWpkg-name.tar
    2. If you are running the Solaris 8 or 9 release, unpack the package by using the following command:

      # gunzip -dc SUNWpkg-name.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  4. Run the install script.

    # cd unzipped-pkg-dir
    # ./setup

    If there are errors while running the install script, see Troubleshooting Problems With Signed Patches.

Examples—Downloading and Installing Solaris Patch Management Tools

This example shows how to download and install the Solaris 2.6 patch management tools.

# uncompress pproSunOSsparc5.6jre2.1.tar.Z
# tar xvf pproSunOSsparc5.6jre2.1.tar 
# cd pproSunOSsparc5.6jre2.1
# ./setup

This example shows how to download and install the Solaris 9 patch management tools.

# gunzip -dc pproSunOSsparc5.9jre2.1.tar.gz | tar xvf -
# cd pproSunOSsparc5.9jre2.1
# ./setup

How to Import Sun Certificates Into the Keystore

Use the keytool command to import and verify the Sun certificates that are used to verify the signed patches you want to add to your system. You must do this task even if you imported the certificates from a previous installation.

Note –

The SUNWcert package is automatically installed when you install the signed patches tool. Do not install the SUNWcert package separately if you have already installed a signed patches tool.

  1. Verify that you have completed the prerequisite task, which is to download one of the Solaris patch management tools.

  2. Become superuser.

  3. Determine the fingerprints of your Sun root certificate and Sun class B certificate.

    # /usr/j2se/bin/keytool -printcert -file /etc/certs/SUNW/smirootcacert.b64
    # /usr/j2se/bin/keytool -printcert -file /etc/certs/SUNW/smicacert.b64
  4. Verify that the output of these commands matches the Sun root and class B certificate fingerprints displayed at:
  5. Accept the Sun class B certificate by importing it into your system:

    # /usr/j2se/bin/keytool -import -alias smicacert -file /etc/certs/SUNW/ 
    smicacert.b64  -keystore /usr/j2se/jre/lib/security/cacerts
    Enter keystore password:  changeit
    Owner: O=Sun Microsystems Inc, CN=Sun Microsystems Inc CA (Class B)
    Issuer: CN=Sun Microsystems Inc Root CA, O=Sun Microsystems Inc, C=US
    Serial number: 1000006
    Valid from: Mon Nov 13 12:23:10 MST 2000 until: Fri Nov 13 12:23:10 MST 2009
    Certificate fingerprints:
             MD5:  B4:1F:E1:0D:80:7D:B1:AB:15:5C:78:CB:C8:8F:CE:37
             SHA1: 1E:38:11:02:F0:5D:A3:27:5C:F9:6E:B1:1F:C4:79:95:E9:6E:D6:DF
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  6. Accept the Sun root certificate by importing it into your system:

    # /usr/j2se/bin/keytool -import -alias smirootcacert -file /etc/certs/SUNW/
    smirootcacert.b64 -keystore /usr/j2se/jre/lib/security/cacerts
    Enter keystore password:  changeit
    Owner: CN=Sun Microsystems Inc Root CA, O=Sun Microsystems Inc, C=US
    Issuer: CN=GTE CyberTrust Root, O=GTE Corporation, C=US
    Serial number: 200014a
    Valid from: Tue Nov 07 15:39:00 MST 2000 until: Thu Nov 07 16:59:00 MST 2002
    Certificate fingerprints:
             MD5:  D8:B6:68:D4:6B:04:B9:5A:EB:34:23:54:B8:F3:97:8C
             SHA1: BD:D9:0B:DA:AE:91:5F:33:C4:3D:10:E3:77:F0:45:09:4A:E8:A2:98
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  7. Accept the patch signing certificate by importing it into your system:

    # /usr/j2se/bin/keytool -import -alias patchsigning -file /opt/SUNWppro/
    etc/certs/patchsigningcert.b64 -keystore /usr/j2se/jre/lib/security/cacerts
    Enter keystore password:  changeit
    Owner: CN=Enterprise Services Patch Management, O=Sun Microsystems Inc
    Issuer: O=Sun Microsystems Inc, CN=Sun Microsystems Inc CA (Class B)
    Serial number: 1400007b
    Valid from: Mon Sep 24 14:38:53 MDT 2001 until: Sun Sep 24 14:38:53 MDT 2006
    Certificate fingerprints:
             MD5:  6F:63:51:C4:3D:92:C5:B9:A7:90:2F:FB:C0:68:66:16
             SHA1: D0:8D:7B:2D:06:AF:1F:37:5C:0D:1B:A0:B3:CB:A0:2E:90:D6:45:0C
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore

How to Change the Keystore Password

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Change the keystore password.

    # /usr/j2se/bin/keytool -storepasswd -keystore /usr/j2se/jre/lib/security/
    Enter keystore password:  changeit
    New keystore password:  new-password
    Re-enter new keystore password:  new-password

How to Set Up Your Patch Environment

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Add patch tool directories to your path.

    # PATH=/usr/sadm/bin:/opt/SUNWppro/bin:$PATH
    # export PATH
  3. (Optional) Identify the hardware on your system so that you can use the smpatch analyze command to determine whether you need specific patches based on your hardware configuration.

    # pprosetup -H
    Change Hardware Configuration.
    Analyzing this computer.

    This command only identifies Sun's Network Storage products.

  4. Identify the types of patches that you will be adding to the system.

    # pprosetup -i standard:singleuser:rebootafter:reconfigafter

    This command establishes the default patch policy for your system.

  5. (Optional) If you want to add contract signed patches to your system, do the following steps to define your SunSolve username and password.

    1. Define your SunSolve username.

      # pprosetup -u username
    2. Define your SunSolve password by adding the password to the following file:

  6. Identify a proxy server so that the patch tool can download patches to your system.

    1. If your system is behind a firewall, you need to define a proxy server that can access the server and one of the following Sun patch servers that are used to download patches:

      • (default)



    2. Identify the selected proxy server by using the following command:

      # pprosetup -x proxy-server:proxy-port

      For example, if you selected as the proxy server, the pprosetup command would look like this:

      # pprosetup -x

Where to Go From Here

If you have completed all the signed patch preparation tasks, you can now add signed patches with the patch management tools.