System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

How to Download and Install the Solaris Patch Management Tools

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Follow the links and download the appropriate tar file for your Solaris release from the following location:

  3. Select one of the following to unpack the patch tool package:

    1. If you are running the Solaris 2.6 or 7 release, uncompress and unpack the package by using the following commands:

      # uncompress SUNWpkg-name.tar.Z
      # tar xvf SUNWpkg-name.tar
    2. If you are running the Solaris 8 or 9 release, unpack the package by using the following command:

      # gunzip -dc SUNWpkg-name.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  4. Run the install script.

    # cd unzipped-pkg-dir
    # ./setup

    If there are errors while running the install script, see Troubleshooting Problems With Signed Patches.

Examples—Downloading and Installing Solaris Patch Management Tools

This example shows how to download and install the Solaris 2.6 patch management tools.

# uncompress pproSunOSsparc5.6jre2.1.tar.Z
# tar xvf pproSunOSsparc5.6jre2.1.tar 
# cd pproSunOSsparc5.6jre2.1
# ./setup

This example shows how to download and install the Solaris 9 patch management tools.

# gunzip -dc pproSunOSsparc5.9jre2.1.tar.gz | tar xvf -
# cd pproSunOSsparc5.9jre2.1
# ./setup