System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

How to Set Up Different Architectures to Access a Shared Namespace

You need to assemble a shared name space for local executables, and applications, such as spreadsheet applications and word-processing packages. The clients of this namespace use several different workstation architectures that require different executable formats. Also, some workstations are running different releases of the operating system.

  1. Create the auto_local map with the nistbladm command.

    See the System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+).

  2. Choose a single, site-specific name for the shared namespace. This name makes the files and directories that belong to this space easily identifiable.

    For example, if you choose /usr/local as the name, the path /usr/local/bin is obviously a part of this name space.

  3. For ease of user community recognition, create an autofs indirect map. Mount this map at /usr/local. Set up the following entry in the NIS+ (or NIS) auto_master map:

    /usr/local     auto_local     -ro

    Notice that the -ro mount option implies that clients cannot write to any files or directories.

  4. Export the appropriate directory on the server.

  5. Include a bin entry in the auto_local map.

    Your directory structure resembles the following:

     bin     aa:/export/local/bin 
  6. (Optional) To serve clients of different architectures, change the entry by adding the autofs CPU variable.

    bin     aa:/export/local/bin/$CPU 
    • For SPARC clients – Place executables in /export/local/bin/sparc.

    • For IA clients – Place executables in /export/local/bin/i386.