System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

Mail Service Programs and Files

Mail services include many programs and daemons that interact with each other. This section introduces the files, programs, terms, and concepts that are related to administering electronic mail.

Contents of the /usr/bin Directory

The following table shows the contents of the /usr/bin directory, which is used for mail services.






A program to manipulate the NIS+ aliases map. 



A user agent. 



A filter to store mail in SunOS 4.1 mailbox format. 



A link to /usr/lib/sendmail. Used to list the mail queue.



A program that is used to read mail statistics that are stored in the /etc/mail/statistics file (if present).



A user agent. 



A program that connects to the mailer for address verification and debugging. 



A command to “uncompile” the alias database. Refer to the uncompile information that is provided in the man page for praliases(1).



A link to /usr/bin/mail. Command that is often used to permit only the sending of mail.



A command to set up an automatic reply to mail. 

Contents of the /etc/mail Directory

The following table shows the contents of the /etc/mail directory.






Default settings for the mailtool user agent.



Mail-forwarding information. 



Default binary form of mail-forwarding information that is created by running newaliases.



Binary form of mail-forwarding information that is created by running newaliases. Can still be used, but is no longer used by default in the Solaris 9 release.



Binary form of mail-forwarding information that is created by running newaliases. Can still be used, but is no longer used by default in the Solaris 9 release.



Default settings for the mailx user agent.


Sample configuration file for main systems. 



List of all domains for which relaying is allowed. By default, only the local domain is allowed.


Configuration file for mail routing.


New configuration file for the mail submission program (MSP). For more information, refer to New Configuration File,



Optional file that you can create if the number of aliases for the mail host is too long. 



Help file that is used by the SMTP HELP command.


File that lists the PID of the listening daemon and is now in /var/run.



sendmail statistics file. If this file is present, sendmail logs the amount of traffic through each mailer. Previously, this file was called


Sample configuration file for subsidiary systems. 



File that lists the users (one user per line) who can be trusted to perform certain mail operations. By default, only root is in this file. Certain mail operations, when performed by untrusted users, result in the following warning, X-Authentication-Warning: header being added to a message.

Contents of the /usr/lib Directory

Table 23–9 shows the contents of the /usr/lib directory, which is used for mail services.

Table 23–9 Contents of the /usr/lib Directory






Mailer that delivers mail to mailboxes. 



Routing program, also known as the mail transfer agent. 



Shell program (sendmail restricted shell) that uses the “|program” syntax of sendmail to restrict programs that sendmail can run to those programs listed in the /var/adm/sm.bin directory. Refer to the smrsh(1M) man page for recommendations on what to include in /var/adm/sm.bin. To enable, include this m4 command, FEATURE(`smrsh'), in your mc file.

Contents of the /usr/lib/mail Directory

Within the /usr/lib directory is a subdirectory, mail, that contains all of the necessary files to build a file. The contents of mail are shown in Table 23–10.

Table 23–10 Contents of the /usr/lib/mail Directory Used for Mail Services






Describes the configuration files. 



Provides site-dependent and site-independent descriptions of hosts. 



Previously named cf/ Is the main configuration file.



Provides rules for building new configuration files. 



Is the configuration file for the mail submission program (MSP), which is used to submit messages. 



Previously named cf/ Is the configuration file for hosts that NFS-mount /var/mail from another host.



Provides site-dependent subdomain descriptions. 



Is the generic domain file from Berkeley. 



Is the domain file with changes that make sendmail function like previous Solaris versions. However, relaying is disabled completely, sender addresses with no host name are rejected, and unresolvable domains are rejected.



Is the default domain file with changes that make sendmail function like previous Solaris versions.



Contains definitions of specific features for particular hosts. See README for a full description of the features.



Contains site-independent include files. 



Contains definitions of mailers, which include local, smtp, and uucp.



Describes various operating system environments. 



Defines default local mailer as mail.local.



Defines default local mailer as mail.local.



Defines local mailer as mail.



Defines local mailer as mail.local (in LMTP mode), enables IPv6, specifies /var/run as the directory for the file.



Contains shell scripts that are used by the m4 build process and migration aids.



Checks permissions of :include: aliases and .forward files and their parent directory path for correct permissions.



Verifies that sendmail is able to determine the fully qualified host name.

Other Files Used for Mail Services

Several other files and directories are used for mail services, as shown in Table 23–11.

Table 23–11 Other Files Used for Mail Services






NIS+ version of sendmailvars file.



Lists the environment variables for the startup script for sendmail.



Lists the valid login shells. 



Queries and edits single records in database maps for sendmail.



Mail notification daemon. 



Builds binary forms of keyed maps. 



A link to /usr/lib/sendmail. Used to create the binary form of the alias database. Previously in /usr/bin.



Error message logger, used by sendmail.



Perl script for starting the client-side remote mail queue. 



CDE mail user agent. 

/var/mail/mailbox1, /var/mail/mailbox2


Mailboxes for delivered mail. 



Storage for mail that is delivered by the client daemon. 



Storage for mail that is delivered by the master daemon. 



Window–based mail user agent. 



File that lists the PID of the listening daemon. 

Interactions of Mail Programs

Mail services are provided by a combination of the following programs, which interact as shown in the simplified illustration in Figure 23–2.

Figure 23–2 Interactions of Mail Programs

The context describes the graphic.

For a more detailed illustration, refer to the figure in sendmail Features.

The following is a description of the interactions of mail programs.

  1. Users send messages by using programs such as mailx or mailtool. See the man pages for mailx(1) or mailtool(1) for information about these programs.

  2. The message is collected by the program that generated the message, and the message is passed to the sendmail daemon.

  3. The sendmail daemon parses the addresses (divides them into identifiable segments) in the message. The daemon uses information from the configuration file, /etc/mail/, to determine network name syntax, aliases, forwarding information, and network topology. By using this information, sendmail determines which route a message must follow to get to a recipient.

  4. The sendmail daemon passes the message to the appropriate system.

  5. The /usr/lib/mail.local program on the local system delivers the mail to the mailbox in the /var/mail/username directory of the recipient of the message.

  6. The recipient is notified that mail has arrived and retrieves the mail by using mail, mailx, mailtool, or a similar program.

sendmail Program

The following list describes some of the capabilities of the sendmail program.

The Solaris operating environment uses the sendmail program as a mail router. The following list describes some of its functions.

For more information about the sendmail program, refer to the following topics.

sendmail and Its Rerouting Mechanisms

The sendmail program supports three mechanisms for mail rerouting. The mechanism that you choose depends on the type of change that is involved.

Additionally, the rerouting mechanism that you choose can affect the level of administration that is required. Consider the following options.

  1. One rerouting mechanism is aliasing.

    Aliasing can map names to addresses on a server-wide basis or a name service-wide basis, depending on the type of file that you use.

    Consider the following advantages and disadvantages of name service aliasing.

    • The use of a name service alias file permits mail rerouting changes to be administered from a single source. However, name service aliasing can create lag time when the rerouting change is propagated.

    • Name service administration is usually restricted to a select group of system administrators. A normal user would not administer this file.

    Consider the following advantages and disadvantages of using a server alias file.

    • By using a server alias file, rerouting can be managed by anyone who can become root on the designated server.

    • Server aliasing should create little or no lag time when the rerouting change is propagated.

    • The change only affects the local server, which might be acceptable if most of the mail is sent to one server. However, if you need to propagate this change to many mail servers, use a name service.

    • A normal user would not administer this change.

    For more information, refer to Mail Alias Files in this chapter. For a task map, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).

  2. The next mechanism is forwarding.

    This mechanism permits users to administer mail rerouting. Local users can reroute their incoming mail to the following.

    • Another mailbox

    • A different mailer

    • Another mail host

    This mechanism is supported through the use of .forward files. For more information about these files, refer to .forward Files in this chapter. For a task map, refer to Administering .forward Files (Task Map) in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).

  3. The last rerouting mechanism is inclusion.

    This mechanism allows users to maintain alias lists instead of requiring root access. To provide this feature, the root user must create an appropriate entry in the alias file on the server. After this entry is created, the user can reroute mail as necessary. For more information on inclusion, refer to /etc/mail/aliases File in this chapter. For a task map, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).

Figure 23–3 shows how sendmail uses aliases. Programs that read mail, such as /usr/bin/mailx, can have aliases of their own, which are expanded before the message reaches sendmail. The aliases for sendmail can originate from a number of name service sources, such as local files, NIS, or NIS+. The order of the lookup is determined by the nsswitch.conf file. Refer to the nsswitch.conf(4) man page.

Figure 23–3 How sendmail Uses Aliases

Diagram shows the dependencies of sendmail and its rerouting mechanisms, including aliasing.

sendmail Features

The sendmail program provides the following features.

Figure 23–4 shows how sendmail interacts with the other programs in the mail system.

Figure 23–4 Interaction of sendmail With Other Mail Programs

Diagram shows that sendmail interacts with SMTP, uucp, vacation, mail.local, mailx, and others.

As shown in Figure 23–4, the user interacts with a mail-generating and mail-sending program. When the mail is submitted, the mail-generating program calls sendmail, which routes the message to the correct mailers. Because some of the senders might be network servers and some of the mailers might be network clients, you can use sendmail as an Internet mail gateway. See Interactions of Mail Programs for a more detailed description of the process.

sendmail Configuration File

A configuration file controls the way that sendmail performs its functions. The configuration file determines the choice of delivery agents, address rewriting rules, and the format of the mail header.

The sendmail program uses the information from the /etc/mail/ file to perform its functions. Each system has a default file that is installed in the /etc/mail directory. You do not need to edit or change the default configuration file for mail servers or mail clients. The only systems that require a customized configuration file are mail hosts and mail gateways.

The Solaris operating environment provides three default configuration files in the /etc/mail directory.

  1. A configuration file that is named for the system, or systems, you designate as the mail host or a mail gateway.

  2. A configuration file that is named, which is a duplicate copy of the default file.

  3. A configuration file that is named, which is used to run sendmail in mail-submission program mode, instead of daemon mode. For more information, refer to New Configuration File,

The configuration file that you use on a system depends on the role of the system in your mail service.

The following list describes some configuration parameters that you can change, depending on the requirements of your site.

Mail Alias Files

You can use any of the following files, maps, or tables to maintain aliases.

Your method of maintaining aliases depends on who uses the alias and who needs to be able to change the alias. Each type of alias has unique format requirements.

If you are looking for task information, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).

.mailrc Aliases

Aliases that are listed in a .mailrc file are accessible only by the user who owns the file. This restriction enables users to establish an alias file that they control and that is usable only by its owner. Aliases in a .mailrc file adhere to the following format.

alias aliasname value value value ...

aliasname is the name that the user uses when sending mail, and value is a valid email address.

If a user establishes a personal alias for scott that does not match the email address for scott in the name service, mail is routed to the wrong person when people try to reply to mail that is generated by this user. The only workaround is to use any of the other aliasing mechanisms.

/etc/mail/aliases File

Any alias that is established in the /etc/mail/aliases file can be used by any user who knows the name of the alias and the host name of the system that contains the file. Distribution list formats in a local /etc/mail/aliases file adhere to the following format.

aliasname: value,value,value ...

aliasname is the name that the user uses when sending mail to this alias, and value is a valid email address.

If your network is not running a name service, the /etc/mail/aliases file of each system should contain entries for all mail clients. You can either edit the file on each system or edit the file on one system and copy the file to each of the other systems.

The aliases in the /etc/mail/aliases file are stored in text form. When you edit the /etc/mail/aliases file, you need to run the newaliases program. This program recompiles the database and makes the aliases available in binary form to the sendmail program. For task information, refer to How to Set Up a Local Mail Alias File in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks). Otherwise, you can use the AdminTool's Database Manager to administer the mail aliases that are stored in the local /etc files.

You can create aliases for only local names—a current host name or no host name. For example, an alias entry for user ignatz who has a mailbox on the system saturn would have the following entry in the /etc/mail/aliases file.

ignatz: ignatz@saturn

You should create an administrative account for each mail server. You create such an account by assigning a mailbox on the mail server to root and by adding an entry for root to the /etc/mail/aliases file. For example, if the system saturn is a mailbox server, add the entry root: sysadmin@saturn to the /etc/mail/aliases file.

Normally, only the root user can edit this file. However, when you use the AdminTool, all users in group 14, which is the sysadmin group, can change the local file. Another option is to create the following entry.

aliasname: :include:/path/aliasfile

aliasname is the name that the user uses when sending mail, and /path/aliasfile is the full path to the file that contains the alias list. The alias file should include email entries, one entry on each line, and no other notations.


You can define additional mail files in /etc/mail/aliases to keep a log or a backup copy. The following entry stores all mail that is sent to aliasname in filename.

aliasname: /home/backup/filename

You can also route the mail to another process. The following example stores a copy of the mail message in filename and prints a copy.

aliasname: "|tee -a /home/backup/filename |lp"

For a task map, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).

NIS aliases Map

All users in a local domain can use the entries that are in the NIS aliases map. The reason is that the sendmail program can use the NIS aliases map instead of the local /etc/mail/aliases files to determine mailing addresses. For more information, refer to the nsswitch.conf(4) man page.

Aliases in the NIS aliases map adhere to the following format.

aliasname: value,value,value ...

aliasname is the name that the user uses when sending mail, and value is a valid email address.

The NIS aliases map should contain entries for all mail clients. In general, only the root user on the NIS master can change these entries. This type of alias might not be a good choice for aliases that are constantly changing. However, such aliases can be useful if the aliases point to another alias file, as in the following syntax example.

aliasname: aliasname@host

aliasname is the name that the user uses when sending mail, and host is the host name for the server that contains an /etc/mail/alias file.

For task information, refer to How to Set Up an NIS mail.aliases Map in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).

NIS+ mail_aliases Table

The NIS+ mail_aliases table contains the names by which a system or person is known in the local domain. The sendmail program can use the NIS+ mail_aliases table, instead of the local /etc/mail/aliases files, to determine mailing addresses. Refer to the aliasadm(1M) and nsswitch.conf(4) man pages for more information.

Aliases in the NIS+ mail_aliases table adhere to the following format:

alias: expansion # ["options	" # "comments"]

Table 23–12 describes the four columns that are in an NIS+ mail_aliases table.

Table 23–12 Columns in the NIS+ mail_aliases Table




The name of the alias 


The value of the alias or a list of aliases as it would appear in a sendmail /etc/mail/aliases file


The column that is reserved for future use 


The column for comments about an individual alias 

The NIS+ mail_aliases table should contain entries for all mail clients. You can list, create, modify, and delete entries in the NIS+ aliases table with the aliasadm command. To use the aliasadm command, you must be a member of the NIS+ group that owns the aliases table. For task information, refer to How to Manage Alias Entries in an NIS+ mail_aliases Table in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks). Alternately, you can use the AdminTool's Database Manager to administer the NIS+ mail aliases.

Note –

If you are creating a new NIS+ aliases table, you must initialize the table before you create the entries. If the table exists, no initialization is needed.

.forward Files

Users can create a .forward file in their home directories that sendmail, along with other programs, can use to redirect mail or send mail. Refer to the following topics.

For a task map, refer to Administering .forward Files (Task Map) in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).

Situations to Avoid

The following list describes some situations that you can avoid or easily fix.

Controls for .forward files

For the .forward files to be an effective part of mail delivery, ensure that the following controls (mostly permissions settings) are correctly applied.

.forward.hostname File

You can create a .forward.hostname file to redirect mail that is sent to a specific host. For example, if a user's alias has changed from to, place a .forward.phoenix file in the home directory for sandy.

% cat .forward.phoenix
"|/usr/bin/vacation sandy"
% cat .vacation.msg
From: (via the vacation program)
Subject: my alias has changed

My alias has changed to
Please use this alias in the future.
The mail that I just received from you
has been forwarded to my new address.


In this example, mail can be forwarded to the correct place while the sender is notified of the alias change. Because the vacation program permits only one message file, you can forward only one message at a time. However, if the message is not host specific, one vacation message file can be used by .forward files for many hosts.

.forward+detail File

Another extension to the forwarding mechanism is the .forward+detail file. The detail string can be any sequence of characters except operator characters. The operator characters are .:%&!^[]+. By using this type of file, you can determine if someone else is using your email address without your knowledge. For instance, if a user tells someone to use the email address, the user would be able to identify any future mail that was delivered to this alias. By default, any mail that is sent to the alias is checked against the alias and the .forward+detail files. If no matches are made, the mail falls back to delivery to, but the user is able to see a change in the To: mail header.

/etc/default/sendmail File

This file is used to store startup options for sendmail so that the options are not removed when a host is upgraded. The following variables can be used.


Selects additional options to be used with the client daemon, which looks in the client-only queue (/var/spool/clientmqueue) and acts as a client queue runner. No syntax checking is done, so be careful when making changes to this variable.


Similar to the QUEUEINTERVAL option, CLIENTQUEUEINTERVAL sets the time interval for mail queue runs. However, the CLIENTQUEUEINTERVAL option controls the functions of the client daemon, instead of the functions of the master daemon. Typically, the master daemon is able to deliver all messages to the SMTP port. However, if the message load is too high or the master daemon is not running, then messages go into the client-only queue, /var/spool/clientmqueue. The client daemon, which checks in the client-only queue, then acts as a client queue processor.


Enables an SMTP client and server to interact immediately without waiting for the queue run intervals, which are periodic. The server can immediately deliver the portion of its queue that goes to the specified hosts. For more information, refer to the etrn(1M) man page.


Selects the mode to start sendmail with. Use the -bd option or leave it undefined.


Selects additional options to be used with the master daemon. No syntax checking is done, so be careful when making changes to this variable.


Sets the interval for mail queue runs on the master daemon. # can be a positive integer that is followed by either s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, or w for weeks. The syntax is checked before sendmail is started. If the interval is negative or if the entry does not end with an appropriate letter, the interval is ignored and sendmail starts with a queue interval of 15 minutes.


Enables one persistent queue runner that sleeps between queue run intervals, instead of a new queue runner for each queue run interval. You can set this option to p, which is the only setting available. Otherwise, this option is not set.