System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

Interactions of sendmail With Name Services

This section describes domain names as they apply to sendmail and name services. Furthermore, this section describes the rules for effective use of name services, and the specific interactions of sendmail with name services. For details, refer to the following topics.

If you are looking for related task information, refer to How to Use DNS With sendmail or Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks). and Mail Domains

The standard file uses mail domains to determine whether mail is delivered directly or through a mail host. Intradomain mail is delivered through a direct SMTP connection, while interdomain mail is forwarded to a mail host.

In a secure network, only a few selected hosts are authorized to generate packets that are targeted to external destinations. Even if a host has the IP address of the remote host that is external to the mail domain, the establishment of an SMTP connection is not guaranteed. The standard assumes the following.

With these assumptions, the mail host is responsible for delivering or forwarding interdomain mail.

sendmail and Name Services

sendmail imposes various requirements on name services. To improve your understanding of these requirements, this section first describes the relationship of mail domains to name service domains. Then the section describes the various requirements. Refer to the following.

Mail Domains and Name Service Domains

The mail domain name must be a suffix of the name service domain. For example, if the domain name of the name service is A.B.C.D, the mail domain name could be one of the following.

When first established, the mail domain name is often identical to the name service domain. As the network grows, the name service domain can be divided into smaller pieces to make the name service more manageable. However, the mail domain often remains undivided to provide consistent aliasing.

Host Name Service Data

This section describes the requirements that sendmail imposes on name services.

A host table or map in a name service must be set up to support three types of gethostbyname() queries.

Two additional rules about the host-name service need to be followed to establish efficient sendmail services within a name service.

For more information about the gethostbyname() function, refer to the gethostbyname(3NSL) man page.

Interactions of NIS and sendmail

The following list describes the interactions of sendmail and NIS and provides some guidance.

For task information, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).

Interactions of sendmail With NIS and DNS

The following list describes the interactions of sendmail with NIS and DNS and provides some guidance.

For task information, refer to How to Use DNS With sendmail and Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).

Interactions of NIS+ and sendmail

The following list describes the interactions of sendmail with NIS+ and provides some guidance.

For task information, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).

Interactions of sendmail With NIS+ and DNS

The following list describes the interactions of sendmail with NIS+ and DNS and provides some guidance.

For task information, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) and How to Use DNS With sendmail in Chapter 22, Mail Services (Tasks).