System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

Displaying Virtual Memory Statistics (vmstat)

You can use the vmstat command to report virtual memory statistics and information about system events as CPU load, paging, number of context switches, device interrupts, and system calls. The vmstat command can also display statistics on swapping, cache flushing, and interrupts.

The following table describes the fields in the vmstat output.

Table 24–1 Output From the vmstat Command


Field Name 




Reports on the following: 



The number of kernel threads in the dispatch queue 



The number of blocked kernel threads that are waiting for resources 



The number of swapped out LWPs that are waiting for processing resources to finish  



Reports on usage of real memory and virtual memory: 



Available swap space 



Size of the free list 



Reports on page faults and paging activity, in units per second: 



Pages reclaimed 



Minor and major faults 



Kbytes paged in 



Kbytes paged out 



Kbytes freed 



Anticipated memory that is needed by recently swapped-in processes 



Pages scanned by the page daemon not currently in use. If sr does not equal zero, the page daemon has been running.



Reports the number of disk operations per second, showing data on up to four disks 



Reports the trap/interrupt rates per second: 



Interrupts per second 



System calls per second 



CPU context switch rate 



Reports on the use of CPU time: 



User time 



System time 



Idle time  

For a more detailed description of this command, see vmstat(1M).

How to Display Virtual Memory Statistics (vmstat)

Collect virtual memory statistics by using the vmstat command with a time interval in seconds.

$ vmstat n

n is the interval in seconds between reports.

Example—Displaying Virtual Memory Statistics

The following example shows the vmstat display of statistics gathered at five-second intervals.

$ vmstat 5
 procs    memory            page             disk      faults     cpu
r b w  swap free re  mf  pi  po  fr de sr f0 s3 -- --  in  sy  cs us sy  id
0 0 8 28312  668  0   9   2   0   1  0  0  0  1  0  0  10  61  82  1  2  97
0 0 3 31940  248  0  10  20   0  26  0 27  0  4  0  0  53 189 191  6  6  88
0 0 3 32080  288  3  19  49   6  26  0 15  0  9  0  0  75 415 277  6 15  79
0 0 3 32080  256  0  26  20   6  21  0 12  1  6  0  0 163 110 138  1  3  96
0 1 3 32060  256  3  45  52  28  61  0 27  5 12  0  0 195 191 223  7 11  82
0 0 3 32056  260  0   1   0   0   0  0  0  0  0  0  0   4  52  84  0  1  99

How to Display System Event Information (vmstat -s)

Run the vmstat -s command to show the total of various system events that have taken place since the last time the system was booted.

$ vmstat -s
        0 swap ins
        0 swap outs
        0 pages swapped in
        0 pages swapped out
   392182 total address trans. faults taken
    20419 page ins
      923 page outs
    30072 pages paged in
     9194 pages paged out
    65167 total reclaims
    65157 reclaims from free list
        0 micro (hat) faults
   392182 minor (as) faults
    19383 major faults
    85775 copy-on-write faults
    66637 zero fill page faults
    46309 pages examined by the clock daemon
        6 revolutions of the clock hand
    15578 pages freed by the clock daemon
     4398 forks
      352 vforks
     4267 execs
 12926285 cpu context switches
109029866 device interrupts
   499296 traps
 22461261 system calls
   778068 total name lookups (cache hits 97%)
    18739 user   cpu
    34662 system cpu
 52051435 idle   cpu
    25252 wait   cpu

How to Display Swapping Statistics (vmstat -S)

Run vmstat -S to show swapping statistics.

$ vmstat -S
 procs     memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
 r b w   swap  free  si  so pi po fr de sr f0 s0 s6 --   in   sy   cs us sy id
 0 0 0 200968 17936   0   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  109   43   24  0  0 100

The swapping statistics fields are described in the following table. For a description of the other fields, see Table 24–1.

Table 24–2 Output From the vmstat -S Command

Field Name 



Average number of LWPs that are swapped in per second 


Number of whole processes that are swapped out 

Note –

The vmstat command truncates the output of both fields. Use the sar command to display a more accurate accounting of swap statistics.

How to Display Cache Flushing Statistics (vmstat -c)

Run the vmstat -c command to show cache flushing statistics for a virtual cache.

$ vmstat -c
usr     ctx     rgn     seg     pag     par
  0   60714       5  134584 4486560 4718054

The output shows the total number of cache flushes since the last boot. The cache types are described in the following table.

Table 24–3 Output From the vmstat -c Command

Cache Name 

Cache Type 













How to Display Interrupts Per Device (vmstat -i)

Run the vmstat -i command to show the number of interrupts per device.

Example—Displaying Interrupts Per Device

The following example shows output from the vmstat -i command.

$ vmstat -i
interrupt         total     rate
clock          52163269      100
esp0            2600077        4
zsc0              25341        0
zsc1              48917        0
cgsixc0             459        0
lec0             400882        0
fdc0                 14        0
bppc0                 0        0
audiocs0              0        0
Total          55238959      105