What's New in the Solaris 9 12/03 Operating Environment

Freeware Enhancements

The Solaris release includes the following freeware enhancements.

Note –

To view license terms, attribution, and copyright statements for these freeware packages, see the license path included in each of the following descriptions. If the Solaris software has been installed anywhere other than the default, modify the path to access the file at the installed location.

For a list of freeware in the Solaris 9 release, see Freeware Enhancements.

Ghostscript 7.05

This feature is new in the Solaris 9 8/03 release.

The Ghostscript 7.05 freeware package is included in the Solaris release. Ghostscript 7.05 reads PostScript and PDF files, and displays these files on screen or converts the files to a form that is usable by many printers. See the gs(1) man page under /usr/sfw/share/man.

Note –

To view license terms, attribution, and copyright statements for Ghostscript, the license path is /usr/sfw/share/src/<freeware name>.

New Freeware Packages: libxml2 2.4.16 and libxslt 1.0.19

This feature is new in the Solaris 9 4/03 release.

The following new freeware packages are new or revised in the Solaris 9 4/03 release:

Note –

To view license terms, attribution, and copyright statements for these packages, the license path is /usr/share/src/<freeware name></filename>.

ANT 1.4.1 Freeware Package

This feature is new in the Solaris 9 12/02 release.

The following new freeware package is included in the Solaris release: ANT 1.4.1 – This is a Jakarta ANT Java and XML-based build package.

Note –

To view license terms, attribution, and copyright statements for ANT, the license path is /usr/sfw/share/src/<freeware name>.