Guida all'installazione di Solaris 9 12/03

Scrittura di uno script che utilizza dhtadm per creare opzioni e macro

Si può creare uno script con la Korn shell adattando l'esempio in Esempio 7–1 in modo da creare tutte le opzioni elencate nella Tabella 7–4 e alcune utili macro. Accertarsi di modificare tutti gli indirizzi IP e i valori contenuti tra virgolette in modo che corrispondano agli indirizzi IP corretti, ai nomi dei server e ai percorsi per la rete. Inoltre si dovrebbe modificare la chiave Vendor= per indicare la classe di client presenti. Usare le informazioni indicate da add_install_client -d per ottenere i dati necessari ad adattare lo script.

Esempio 7–1 Esempio di script per il supporto dell'installazione di rete

# Load the Solaris vendor specific options. We'll start out supporting 
# the Sun-Blade-1000, Sun-Fire-880, and i86 platforms. Changing -A to -M would replace
# the current values, rather than add them.
dhtadm -A -s SrootOpt -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,1,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SrootIP4 -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,2,IP,1,1'
dhtadm -A -s SrootNM -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,3,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SrootPTH -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,4,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SswapIP4 -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,5,IP,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SswapPTH -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,6,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SbootFIL -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,7,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s Stz -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,8,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SbootRS -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,9,NUMBER,2,1'
dhtadm -A -s SinstIP4 -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,10,IP,1,1'
dhtadm -A -s SinstNM -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,11,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SinstPTH -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,12,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SsysidCF -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,13,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SjumpsCF -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,14,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s Sterm -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,15,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SbootURI -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,16,ASCII,1,0'
dhtadm -A -s SHTTPproxy -d \
'Vendor=SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 SUNW.i86pc,17,ASCII,1,0'
# Load some useful Macro definitions.
# Define all Solaris-generic options under this macro named Solaris.
dhtadm -A -m Solaris -d \
# Define all sparc-platform specific options under this macro named sparc.
dhtadm -A -m sparc -d \
# Define all sun4u architecture-specific options under this macro named sun4u. 
#  (Includes Solaris and sparc macros.)
dhtadm -A -m sun4u -d ':Include=Solaris:Include=sparc:'
# Solaris on IA32-platform-specific parameters are under this macro named i86pc.
dhtadm -A -m i86pc -d \
# Solaris on IA32 machines are identified by the "SUNW.i86pc" class. All
# clients identifying themselves as members of this class will see these
# parameters in the macro called SUNW.i86pc, which includes the i86pc macro.
dhtadm -A -m SUNW.i86pc -d ':Include=i86pc:'
# Sun-Blade-1000 platforms identify themselves as part of the 
# "SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000" class.
# All clients identifying themselves as members of this class
#  will see these parameters.
dhtadm -A -m SUNW.Sun-Blade-1000 -d \
# Sun-Fire-880 platforms identify themselves as part of the "SUNW.Sun-Fire-880" class.
# All clients identifying themselves as members of this class will see these parameters.
dhtadm -A -m SUNW.Sun-Fire-880 -d \
# Add our boot server IP to each of the network macros for our topology served by our
# DHCP server. Our boot server happens to be the same machine running our DHCP server.
dhtadm -M -m -e BootSrvA=
dhtadm -M -m -e BootSrvA=
dhtadm -M -m -e BootSrvA=
dhtadm -M -m -e BootSrvA=
dhtadm -M -m	-e BootSrvA=
# Make sure we return host names to our clients.
dhtadm -M -m DHCP-servername -e Hostname=_NULL_VALUE_
# The client with this MAC address is a diskless client. Override the root settings
# which at the network scope setup for Install with our client's root directory.
dhtadm -A -m 0800201AC25E -d \

Come superutente, eseguire dhtadm in modalità batch. Specificare il nome dello script per aggiungere le opzioni e le macro a dhcptab. Ad esempio, se il nome dello script è netinstalloptions, digitare il comando seguente:

# dhtadm -B netinstalloptions

I client con classi di fornitori elencate nella stringa Vendor= possono ora utilizzare DHCP per l'installazione dalla rete.

Per maggiori informazioni sull'uso del comando dhtadm, vedere dhtadm(1M). Per maggiori informazioni sul file dhcptab, vedere dhcptab(4).