Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

Why Mirror?

During the installation or upgrade, you can create mirrored file systems to duplicate your system data over multiple physical disks. By duplicating your data over separate disks, you can protect your data from disk corruption or a disk failure.

The Solaris custom JumpStart and Solaris Live Upgrade installation methods use the Solaris Volume Manager technology to create a mirrored file system. Solaris Volume Manager provides a powerful way to reliably manage your disks and data by using volumes. Solaris Volume Manager enables concatenations, stripes, and other complex configurations. The custom JumpStart and Solaris Live Upgrade installation methods enable a subset of these tasks, such as creating a RAID-1 volume for the root (/) file system. You can create mirrored file systems during your installation or upgrade, eliminating the need to create the mirrored file system after the installation.

Note –

The custom JumpStart and Solaris Live Upgrade installation methods only support the creation of RAID-0 and RAID-1 volumes. Other Solaris Volume Manager components, such as RAID-5 volumes, are not supported.

The custom JumpStart installation method supports the creation of mirrored file systems during an initial installation only. Solaris Live Upgrade supports the creation of mirrored file systems during an upgrade.

For detailed information about Solaris Volume Manager software and components, see Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide.