Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

How Mirroring Works

Solaris Volume Manager uses virtual disks to manage physical disks and their associated data. In Solaris Volume Manager, a virtual disk is called a volume. A volume is a name for a group of physical slices that appear to the system as a single, logical device. Volumes are actually pseudo, or virtual, devices in standard UNIX® terms.

A volume is functionally identical to a physical disk in the view of an application or a file system (such as UFS). Solaris Volume Manager converts I/O requests directed at a volume into I/O requests to the underlying member disks.

Solaris Volume Manager volumes are built from slices (disk partitions) or from other Solaris Volume Manager volumes.

You use volumes to increase performance and data availability. In some instances, volumes can also increase I/O performance. Functionally, volumes behave the same way as slices. Because volumes look like slices, they are transparent to end users, applications, and file systems. Like physical devices, you can use Solaris Volume Manager software to access volumes through block or raw device names. The volume name changes, depending on whether the block or raw device is used.

The custom JumpStart installation method and Solaris Live Upgrade support the use of block devices to create mirrored file systems. See Volume Name Requirements and Guidelines for details about volume names.

When you create a mirrored file system, you create RAID-0 volumes (single-slice concatenations) and RAID-1 volumes (mirrors.) Solaris Volume Manager duplicates data on the concatentations, (submirrors), and treats the submirrors as one mirror volume.

Figure 10–1 shows a mirror that duplicates the root (/) file system over two physical disks.

Figure 10–1 Mirroring the Root File System on Two Disks

 The context describes the illustration.

Figure 10–1 shows a system with the following configuration.