Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

Customizing the Root Environment With a Finish Script

You can also use finish scripts to customize files that are already installed on a system. For example, the finish script in Example 27–4 customizes the root environment by appending information to the .cshrc file in the root (/) directory.

Example 27–4 Customizing the Root Environment With a Finish Script

# Customize root's environment
echo "***adding customizations in /.cshrc"
test -f a/.cshrc || {
cat >> a/.cshrc <<EOF
set history=100 savehist=200 filec ignoreeof prompt="\$user@`uname -n`> "
alias cp cp -i
alias mv mv -i
alias rm rm -i
alias ls ls -FC
alias h history
alias c clear
unset autologout