Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

Example of Upgrading With Solaris Live Upgrade (Command-Line Interface)

In this example, a new boot environment is created by using the lucreate command on a system that is running the Solaris 7 release. The new boot environment is upgraded to the Solaris 9 release by using the luupgrade command. The upgraded boot environment is activated by using the luactivate command. An example of falling back to the original boot environment is also given.

Install Live Upgrade on the Active Boot Environment

  1. Insert the Solaris DVD or Solaris Software 2 of 2 CD.

  2. Follow the step for the media you are using.

    • If you are using the Solaris DVD, change directories to the installer and run the installer.

      # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_9/Tools/Installers
      # ./liveupgrade20

      The Solaris Web Start installer is displayed.

    • If you are using the Solaris Software 2 of 2 CD, run the installer.

      % ./installer

      The Solaris Web Start installer is displayed.

  3. From the Select Type of Install panel, click Custom.

  4. On the Locale Selection panel, click the language to be installed.

  5. Choose the software to install.

    • For DVD, on the Component Selection panel, click Next to install the packages.

    • For CD, On the Product Selection panel, click Default Install for Solaris Live Upgrade and click on the other product choices to deselect this software.

  6. Follow the directions on the Solaris Web Start installer panels to install the software.

Create a Boot Environment

The source boot environment is named c0t4d0s0 by using the -c option. Naming the source boot environment is only required when the first boot environment is created. For more information on naming using the -c option, see the description in Step 2.

The new boot environment is named c0t15d0s0. The -A option creates a description that is associated with the boot environment name.

The root (/) file system is copied to the new boot environment. Also, a new swap slice is created rather than sharing the source boot environment's swap slice.

# lucreate -A 'BE_description' -c c0t4d0s0 -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t15d0s0:ufs \
-m -:/dev/dsk/c0t15d0s1:swap -n c0t15d0s0

Upgrade the Inactive Boot Environment

The inactive boot environment is named c0t15d0s0. The operating system image to be used for the upgrade is taken from the network.

# luupgrade -n c0t15d0s0 -u -s /net/ins-svr/export/Solaris_9 \

Check If Boot Environment Is Bootable

The lustatus command reports if the boot environment creation is complete. lustatus also shows if the boot environment is bootable.

# lustatus
boot environment   Is        Active  Active     Can	    Copy
Name               Complete  Now	 OnReboot   Delete	 Status
c0t4d0s0           yes       yes      yes      no      -
c0t15d0s0          yes       no       no       yes     -

Activate the Inactive Boot Environment

The c0t15d0s0 boot environment is made bootable with the luactivate command. The system is then rebooted and c0t15d0s0 becomes the active boot environment. The c0t4d0s0 boot environment is now inactive.

# luactivate c0t15d0s0
# init 6

Fall Back to the Source Boot Environment

Three procedures for falling back depend on your new boot environment activation situation:

Example 38–1 To Fall Back Despite Successful Boot Environment Creation

In this example, the original c0t4d0s0 boot environment is reinstated as the active boot environment although it was activated successfully. The device name is first_disk.

# /usr/sbin/luactivate first_disk 
# init 6

Example 38–2 SPARC: To Fall Back From a Failed Boot Environment Activation

In this example, the new boot environment was not bootable. You must return to the OK prompt before booting from the original boot environment, c0t4d0s0, in single-user mode.

OK boot net -s
# /sbin/luactivate first_disk
Do you want to fallback to activate boot environment c0t4d0s0 
(yes or no)? yes
# init 6

The original boot environment, c0t4d0s0, becomes the active boot environment.

Example 38–3 SPARC: To Fall Back to the Original Boot Environment by Using a DVD, CD, or Net Installation Image

In this example, the new boot environment was not bootable. You cannot boot from the original boot environment and must use media or a net installation image. The device is /dev/dsk/c0t4d0s0. The original boot environment, c0t4d0s0, becomes the active boot environment.

OK boot net -s
# fsck /dev/dsk/c0t4d0s0
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t4d0s0 /mnt 
# /mnt/sbin/luactivate
Do you want to fallback to activate boot environment c0t4d0s0 
(yes or no)? yes
# umount /mnt 
# init 6