Sun ONE Application Server 7 Platform Summary

Sun™ ONE Application Server Platform Summary

Version 7, Update 3

Part Number 817-5602-10

February 2004

This document provides the specifics on supported platform components for the Sun™ Open Net Environment (ONE) Application Server 7, Update 3 product.

This document contains the following sections:

Operating Systems

JDBC Drivers and Databases

The Sun ONE Application Server 7 product is designed to support connectivity to any database management system with a corresponding JDBC driver. The following table lists the components that Sun has tested and found to be acceptable for constructing J2EE-compatible database configurations for the Update 3 release.

JBDC Vendor

JDBC Driver Type

Supported Database Server

DataDirect Technologies

Connect JDBC 3.0 (Type 4)

Oracle (R) 9.0.1, 9.2.0


(Type 4)

PointBase Network Server 4.2

DataDirect Technologies

Connect for JDBC 3.2 (Type 4)

MS-SQL Server 2000


jConnect for JDBC 5.2 (Type 4)

Sybase ASE 12.5


DB2 JDBC Driver (Type 2)

IBM DB2 8.1 SP3

Additional drivers have been tested to meet the JDBC requirements of the J2EE 1.3 platform with the following JDBC Driver Certification Program:

These drivers can be used for JDBC connectivity with the Sun ONE Application Server. Although Sun offers no product support for these drivers, we will support the use of these drivers with the Sun ONE Application Server 7 product.

Web Servers

This section lists the web servers that are supported.



Operating System

Sun ONE Web Server


Solaris 8, 9 for SPARC
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1
Windows 2000


Solaris 8, 9 for SPARC
Solaris 9 for x86
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1
Windows 2000, Windows XP



Solaris 8, 9
Windows 2000

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)


Windows 2000

Directory Servers

This section lists the directory servers that are supported.

Directory Server


Sun ONE Directory Server





Compliant database for authentication use


This section lists the browsers that are supported for web-based administration of the Sun ONE Application Server.



Operating System

Netscape Navigator


Solaris 8, 9
Red Hat Linux

Netscape Navigator


Solaris 8, 9

Netscape Navigator


Solaris 8, 9
Windows 2000
Windows XP Professional

Internet Explorer

5.5 SP2

Windows 2000

Internet Explorer


Windows XP Professional

Software Packages

This section lists the associated software packages that are supported.

Software Product


Sun ONE Message Queue

3.0.1 SP2

Sun Java Studio

Sun Java Studio Standard 5, update 1



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