Solaris 9 9/04 Release Notes

System Administration Bugs

The following System Administration bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

SPARC: Panics That Occur During Suspend and Resume Cycles Might Cause the System to Hang (5062026)

A system panic that occurs while you are performing a suspend-and-resume (cpr) cycle might cause the system to hang. More typically, this problem is observed in Sun BladeTM 2000 workstations that have the XVR-1000 graphics accelerator installed. Rarely, other SPARC based systems might similarly hang during a panic. When the panic occurs, the core dump is not saved, and no prompt appears on the console. The problem might be more prevalent if the kernel debugger (kadb) is active.

Workaround: To restore the system to a usable state, manually reboot the system.

SPARC: Suspend and Resume Module Might Cause a System Panic (5042241)

If you use the cpr module to suspend and then resume the system, a system panic might result. An error message similar to the following example is displayed:

panic[cpu2]/thread=2a100337d40: pcisch2 (pci@9,700000): 
consistent dma sync timeout

Workaround: Do not start suspend and resume operations on systems that support this feature.

SPARC: Stopping the System by Using Keyboard Sequences Might Cause a System Panic (5061679)

If you attempt to stop the system by pressing keyboard sequences such as Stop-A or L1-A, the system might panic. An error message similar to the following example is displayed:

panic[cpu2]/thread=2a100337d40: pcisch2 (pci@9,700000): 
consistent dma sync timeout

Workaround: Do not use keyboard sequences to force the system to enter OpenBootTM PROM.

Locale Administrator Tool Does Not Install Traditional Chinese Locales Properly (5032377)

The locale administrator tool does not completely install Traditional Chinese locales on the system. The error occurs because the tool fails to install the SUNWhjmfp package. For example, you type the following command:

# localeadm -a zh_tw path_to_image

While installing the SUNWhjmfp package, the locale administrator tool stops processing. The following error message is displayed:

pkgadd: ERROR: no package associated with UNWhjmfp>
There was an error adding package UNWhjmfp to the system.

Workaround: Before adding the Traditional Chinese locales, perform the following steps:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Change to the /usr/sadm/lib/localeadm/ directory.

  3. Open the Locale_config_S9.txt file.

  4. Search for an instance of UNWhjmfp that is not preceded by the letter S.

  5. Change this text from UNWhjmfp to SUNWhjmfp.

  6. Install the Traditional Chinese locales.

    # localeadm -a zh_tw path_to_image

Alternatively, apply the following patches depending on your system's platform:

x86: Universal Serial Bus Architecture Modular DeBugger Not Configured Automatically When Only New Framework Is Loaded (4982529)

The Universal Serial Bus Architecture (USBA) Modular DeBugger (mdb) commands might not be automatically configured on some x86 systems.

Workaround: To access the USBA mdb commands, run the following command to load the usba mdb module manually after starting mdb:

> ::load usba

After the usba mdb module is loaded, you can obtain a list of all the USB commands by running the following command:

> ::dcmds ! grep usb

Installation of Locales Fails if Solaris Installation CDs Are Used (4967742)

The Locale Administrator tool (localeadm) fails to set up new locales if you use the Solaris Installation CDs to install the necessary packages. The failure occurs as you are installing packages from the Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD. The tool does not automatically eject the 1 of 2 CD. Consequently, you cannot insert the next CD to continue the installation.

Workaround: To install the packages for your locale, use the Solaris DVD or a network installation image. If neither is available, then perform the following steps:

  1. Obtain the list of the Solaris packages that are needed to set up the locale you are installing.

    % localeadm -v -q option

    option is the name of the region or locale that you are setting up. For example, for the Western European region, type weu for the option.

    A list of packages is displayed in the order in which these packages are found in the Installation CDs, as follows:

    • Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD

    • Solaris Software 2 of 2 CD

    • Languages CD

  2. Copy the listed packages from the respective CDs to a directory on the machine or the network. To determine the exact path to these packages in each CD, use the find command.

  3. Rerun the localeadm command to install these packages. The source directory is the directory to which you copied the packages in the previous step.

Problems Reading and Writing DVDs Greater Than 4-Gbytes on Solaris 9 9/04 Software (4908624, 4987026)

Problems are encountered when reading and writing DVDs that are greater than 4-Gbytes on the Solaris 9 9/04 software.


These problems occur on both SPARC 32-bit and x86 platforms. These problems do not occur on either of these platforms for DVDs with less than 4-Gbytes of data or on the 64bit SPARC platform.

The same data seemingly repeats itself every 4-Gbytes. These DVDs can be mounted for reading, but some files might appear to be corrupted, while other files might be inaccessible. In addition, writes to offsets that are greater than 4-Gbytes might lead to corruption of the existing data on the DVD.

Workaround: None.

x86: Pressing the F4 Key During BIOS Bootup Fails to Boot the Service Partition (4782757, 5051157)

You are booting a Sun LX50 which has a Service partition and the Solaris 9 9/04 (x86 Platform Edition) software is installed. Pressing the F4 function key to boot the Service partition, when given the option, causes the screen to go blank. The system then fails to boot the Service partition.

Workaround: Do not press the F4 key when the BIOS Bootup Screen is displayed. After a time-out period, the Current Disk Partition Information screen is displayed. Select the number in the Part# column that corresponds to type=DIAGNOSTIC. Press the Return key. The system boots the Service partition.

Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 Daemon Cannot Locate com.sun Application Programming Interface Providers (4619576)

The Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon cannot locate providers that are written to the com.sun.wbem.provider interface or to the com.sun.wbem.provider20 interface. Even if you create a Solaris_ProviderPath instance for a provider that is written to these interfaces, the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon does not locate the provider.

Workaround: To enable the daemon to locate such a provider, stop and restart the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon.

# /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop

# /etc/init.d/init.wbem start


If you use the javax API to develop your provider, you do not need to stop and restart the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon. The Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon dynamically recognizes javax providers.

Some com.sun Application Programming Interface Method Invocations Fail Under XML/HTTP Transport Protocol (4497393, 4497399, 4497406, 4497411)

If you choose to use the com.sun application programming interface rather than the javax application programming interface to develop your WBEM software, only Common Information Model (CIM) remote method invocation (RMI) is fully supported. Other protocols, such as XML/HTTP, are not guaranteed to work completely with the com.sun application programming interface.

The following table lists examples of invocations that execute successfully under RMI but fail under XML/HTTP:

Method Invocation 

Error Message 








XMLERROR: ClassCastException

Cannot Modify File-System Mount Properties With Solaris Management Console Mounts and Shares Tool (4466829)

The Solaris Management Console Mounts and Shares tool cannot modify mount options on system-critical file systems such as root (/), /usr, and /var.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds: