System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems

Extended File Attributes

The UFS, NFS, and TMPFS file systems have been enhanced to include extended file attributes, which enable application developers to associate specific attributes to a file. For example, a developer of a windowing system file management application might choose to associate a display icon with a file. Extended file attributes are logically represented as files within a hidden directory that is associated with the target file.

You can use the runat command to add attributes and execute shell commands in the extended attribute name space, which is a hidden attribute directory that is associated with the specified file.

To use the runat command to add attributes to a file, you first have to create the attributes file.

$ runat filea cp /tmp/attrdata attr.1

Then, use the runat command to list the attributes of a file.

$ runat filea ls -l

For more information, see the runat(1) man page.

Many Solaris file system commands have been modified to support file system attributes by providing an attribute-aware option that you can use to query, copy, or find file attributes. For more information, see the specific man page for each file system command.