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Sun Server CLI Tools and IPMItool User's Guide

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Installing Components

Getting Started


Getting the Software

Sun SSM Component Manager Overview

(Linux and Solaris Operating Systems) Using Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris Operating Systems) How to Install Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris Operating Systems) Using Component Manager in Interactive Mode

(Linux and Solaris Operating Systems) How to Install Interactively Using Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris Operating Systems) How to Uninstall Interactively Using Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris Operating Systems) Using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

(Linux and Solaris Operating Systems) How to Install Using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

(Linux and Solaris Operating Systems) How to Uninstall using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

(Windows Operating Systems) Using Component Manager

(Windows Operating Systems) How to Install Using Component Manager

(Windows Operating Systems) How to Uninstall Using Component Manager

BIOS Configuration Tool

BIOSconfig Dependencies

BIOSconfig Terminology

Using BIOSconfig

BIOSconfig Command Overview

What Changes the Boot List

Important Notes on Devices

Configuring the Device Boot Order

BIOS CMOS Configuration

Configuring Individual CMOS Settings

Failure Return Codes

Commands Produce Unrelated, Innocuous, Extra Output

BIOSconfig for Solaris OS

How to View BIOSconfig Commands in Solaris OS

How to Obtain the BMC Driver

BIOSconfig for Windows

BIOSconfig for Windows Known Issues

BIOSconfig Error Messages

IPMItool for Windows

IPMItool Overview

Sun IPMI System Management Driver 2.1

How to Install Sun IPMI System Management Driver 2.1 Manually

How to Perform Unattended Installation of the Sun IPMI System Management Driver 2.1

How to Verify IPMItool Installation


(Linux and Solaris Operating Systems) How to Install Interactively Using Component Manager

Before You Begin

You must install the Component Manager before proceeding. The following procedure must be carried out as a user with root privileges. If you have installed a previous version of Hardware Management Pack, you must manually uninstall the earlier version before installing the latest version. Component Manager detects older versions of Hardware Management Pack during the install procedure, but does not upgrade the system due to changes in the packaging of this release.

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Within the directory where you uncompressed the Hardware Management Pack download, navigate to the Packages subdirectory in the SOFTWARE subdirectory.

  3. Start the Component Manager in interactive mode by typing the following command:


    Component Manager starts and displays a list of currently installed components and available components in the Packages subdirectory.

    Tip - The option -d directoryspecifies a directory that Component Manager searches for available components.

  4. To install the components shown in the list of available components, type I at the following message:

    [L]ist, [D]etailed list, [I]nstall, [U]ninstall, [H]elp or [Q]uit >

    A numbered list of the available components is displayed.

  5. Choose one of the following options:

    • To install a single specific component, type the number listed to the right of the component name.

    • To install all of the listed components, type A.

    • To return to the previous menu, type R.

  6. Depending on the component you chose to install in step 5, you might need to specify further options, such as these:

    • Do you wish to start the hwmgmtd service ? [Y]es, [N]o >

      To start or restart the named service, type Y.

    • Do you wish to enable the hwmgmtd service on startup by default ? [Y]es, [N]o >

      To start the named service each time the server starts, type Y.