Complete Contents
Chapter 1 Installation and Deployment
Chapter 2 Configuring Calendar Server
Chapter 3 Admininistering Calendar Server
Chapter 4 Monitoring the Calendar Server
Appendix A Commnand Line Utilities
Appendix B Monitoring Tools
Appendix C Time Zones
Appendix D Calendar Server LDAP Schema
iPlanet Calendar Server: Administration Guide: Installation and Deployment
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Chapter 1 Installation and Deployment

This chapter contains the following sections to help you prepare for installation:

Installation Process Overview
iPlanet Calendar Server 2.1 uses an installation program that provides a consistent installation interface and procedure across all supported platforms. In addition, Calendar Server provides tools for uninstalling the server, stopping and starting various server processes, and enabling users to access data hosted on the server. Instructions for using these tools are provided in the relevant sections of this document.

Note. For the most up to date installation instructions, refer to the online version listed at:

Installing Calendar Server involves the following steps:

  1. Transferring the Calendar Server Installation Files
  2. Running the Installation Program
Before You Begin the Installation
Before you begin installing iPlanet Calendar Server 2.1, you should verify that the systems on which you plan to install the software meet the minimum product requirements. In addition, you should understand what the various Calendar Server components are. It is also a good idea to plan how you want to configure the software components before you begin the installation process.

System Requirements
Before you install the Calendar Server, you must make sure you have met the minimum hardware and operating system requirements.

Hardware Requirements
The basic minimum hardware requirements for a Calendar Server installation are as follows:

Software Requirements
Calendar Server 2.1 supports the following operating systems at the appropriate version and patch levels:

Note. For the most recent software requirements and supported operating systems, see the Calendar Server 2.1 Release Notes listed online at:

Installation Privileges
It is recommended that you install Calendar Server logged in as root (Unix) or administrator (Windows NT). Superuser privileges (root or administrator) are required for Calendar Server 2.1 installations if you plan to use the default port numbers (which are less than 1024).

Installation Packages
The product contains the following separate software components:

iPlanet Calendar Server 2.1.

Calendar Server API (CSAPI).

Types of Installation
The Calendar Server 2.1 installation program lets you install the product in the following ways:

Accounts, Groups, and Administrators
The accounts, groups, and administrators referred to in this guide are grouped into the following categories:

Directory Server Accounts
The accounts described in this section are those used with Netscape Directory Server. For more information, refer to the Netscape Directory Server documentation.

Calendar Server Administrator.

Directory Administrator.

Windows NT System Account
On Windows NT, you can run Calendar Server logged in as any valid user. Usually, however, you will want to run the server under the system account (logged in as administrator) to ensure that you have all account privileges required to manage the server. If you log in as a user other than administrator, you may not have the privileges you need to fully manage the server.

Unix System Accounts
The accounts described in this section apply only to Calendar Server installations on Unix platforms.

Calendar Server User and Group.

Installation Guidelines
This section contains information you need and suggested guidelines you should follow as you prepare for your Calendar Server 2.1 installation:

Note. Transferring the Calendar Server Installation Files
To transfer and extract the product archive files which contain the installation program files in compressed format:

  1. Locate the Calendar Server 2.1 archive (tar or zip) file for your platform:
  2. You can find the archive file on the distribution CD or download it from the iPlanet Calendar Server online site.

  3. Create a directory (such as /tmp/calinstall) on the machine that will host the Calendar Server and copy the archive file to that directory.
  4. Go to the directory where you copied the archive file and then extract the contents.
  5. On Unix, type

    tar -xvf archive.tar

    where archive identifies the name of the platform archive file you chose to transfer.

    On Windows NT:

    Double-click the self-extracting ics20.exe file included as part of your installation package.

    Status messages display as the archive is unpacked.

Running the Installation Program
After you have extracted the installation files on the machine where you plan to install Calendar Server, you can run the installation program:

Note. For the most up to date and complete installation instructions, refer to the online version listed at:

Deployment Considerations
The following sections describe some of the issues you should consider before you install and deploy Calendar Server at your site.

By default, Calendar Server supports users that are defined and maintained in an LDAP directory, such as Netscape Directory Server. Calendar Server also supports the use of plug-ins that you create to enable access to users defined in non-LDAP directories such as those stored in a standard Unix Authentication format or in a Windows NT User Manager database.


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