Complete Contents
Chapter 1 Preparing for Installation
Chapter 2 Running the Setup Program on Unix
Chapter 3 Running the Setup Program on Windows NT
iPlanet Calendar Server: Installation Guide: Installing Calendar Server on
Previous Contents Index

Chapter 3 Installing Calendar Server on Windows NT

This chapter describes the steps to follow to install iPlanet Calendar Server (iCS) on Windows NT. You can run the setup program by either:

Using the Graphical Interface Installation on Windows NT
The following steps describe how to use the graphical user interface installation program to install Calendar Server.

  1. Login as Administrator. You must have superuser privileges (that is, be logged in with full administration rights to the system) to run the installation program.
  2. If you are installing the product from the CD, go to the ntx86 folder on the CD and run setup. Then proceed to Step 4 below.
  3. If you are downloading the product from the iPlanet web site, create a directory (such as c:\tmp\calsvr) on the machine that will host the iPlanet Calendar Server and download (or copy) the Calendar Server the self-extracting archive file (such as ics2.1 -export-en.x86- windows-nt4.0.exe) to that directory. Make sure that the download directory has adequate disk space to store the extracted files.

  4. In the directory where you placed the archive file, double-click the self-extracting iPlanet Calendar Server archive file.
  5. A message box displays and asks if you want to install iPlanet Calendar Server. Click Yes to continue.
  6. The installation program displays a Welcome Message. Click Next to continue.
  7. The license agreement displays. Read the license agreement and click Yes (Accept License) to accept it and continue. (If you click NO, the installation program will end without installing Calendar Server.)
  8. On most systems, the installation program will automatically detect the host name and domain name of the system on which you are installing the server and you can skip this step.
  9. If the installation program cannot detect the host name or domain name, it will display the "Unable to make network connection" screen. Please be sure that the host name and domain name specified are correct, then click Next to continue the installation. The installation program will then try to establish a network connection using these values.

    Note: If the Host Name or Domain Name field is blank, it is because the installation program was unable to detect its value. In this case, you must enter a valid host name or domain name, or both.

    If a network connection cannot be made using the new values, you will be asked again to supply a valid host name and domain name. At this point you can:

  10. Select the type of installation you wish to use: Typical or Custom. The same software is installed with each type of installation. The only difference between the types of installation is the number of choices you have to make during the installation process. Typical Installation is recommended for most users. Custom Installation requires you to specify all available configuration options and is recommended only for advanced users or for installations that require customized configuration options not provided in the Typical Installation. When you have finished making your selections, click Next to continue.
  11. Note: If you choose Typical Installation, the installation program will skip some of the following questions because they are configured for you. Questions that apply only to a Custom Installation are so indicated and you can proceed to the next step.

  12. Select the software components that you want to install (default is all):
  13. When you have finished making your selections, click Next to continue.

  14. This step applies only if you have a previous version of Calendar Server installed on this system. The installation program automatically detects an existing installation and displays a window that lets you can choose to upgrade or reinstall the existing components.
  15. By default, the installation program upgrades all installed components. This procedure preserves all existing database and configuration information, such as user calendar data and user preferences.

    Remove and Reinstall Existing Components. Click this box only if you want to completely remove the existing installation and reinstall it from scratch. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked (the default) and click Next to upgrade only the software components and keep all existing database and configuration information.

    If you choose to reinstall Calendar Server, you are asked to confirm that you want to continue with the remove and reinstall operation. If you click Continue Remove/Reinstall, all existing database and configuration information on the system will be destroyed. Both the software components you selected and all database and configuration information will be installed as new. It is highly recommended that you backup any existing data bases before selecting this option - once the actual installation process is started, it cannot be undone. If you want to upgrade instead, click Choose New.

    If you choose to upgrade and exiting Calendar Server installation, the installation program verifies if there is adequate disk space and then displays the Ready to Install window. To complete the installation, click Install Now.

    Note: The following steps do not apply if you are upgrading an existing Calendar Server installation.

  16. Specify the directory where you want to install the Calendar Server software. The default is c:\Program Files\iPlanet.
  17. If you want to select another directory, click Browse, then select a directory and click OK.

    When you have finished making your selection, click Next to continue.

    If the directory you selected does not exist, a message box displays and you can either:

  18. Specify the port numbers that you want the Calendar Server to listen on:
  19. When you have finished making your selections, click Next to continue.

    If the directory you selected does not exist, a message box displays and you can either:

  20. Enter the identity that the Calendar Server will run as. You can run Calendar Server logged in as any valid user. Usually, however, you will want to run the server under the default system account (logged in as administrator) to ensure that you have all account privileges required to manage the server. If you log in as a user other than administrator, you may not have the privileges you need to manage the servers.
  21. Note: If the system account does not have an associated password, you can leave the User Password and Confirm Password options blank.

  22. Specify the Calendar Server Administrator. This is the user account that has privileges to use the Calendar Server administration utilities: csstop to stop the server, cstats to display server statistics, and cstool to list all logged-in users. The default is calmaster. When you have finished making your selection, click Next to continue.
  23. Supply the following email and email alarm information:
  24. Calendar Administrator email address. Enter the full email address (userID and domain name) of the person to whom you want Calendar Server to send messages in case of server problems, for example

    SMTP Server Host Name. Enter the host name of the machine running the SMTP server that Calendar Server is to use to send messages.

    Enable email alarms. By default, email alarms for the Calendar Server are enabled. If you do not want Calendar Server to send email alarms, uncheck this checkbox.

    Note: If the Calendar Server cannot connect to the SMTP server you entered, a message box will display stating that the Calendar Server will not run if an SMTP server is not available. If this is acceptable at this point, click Accept. Otherwise, click Choose New and enter the host name of another SMTP server.

    When you have finished making your selections, click Next to continue.

  25. Specify the directory in which to store the Calendar Server database. The default is:
  26. c:\Program Files\iPlanet\CalendarServer\var\csdb

    If you want to select another directory, click Browse, then select a directory and click OK.

    When you have finished making your selections, click Next to continue.

    Note: If the directory you selected does not exist, a message box displays and where you can:

    Note: The installation program displays a warning message if you selected a directory located on a drive partition that is not formatted as NTFS (NT File System). It is recommended that, for improved performance, you choose an NTFS-formatted drive in which to install Calendar Server database files.

  27. Specify the directory in which to store the Calendar Server temporary files (Custom installation only). The default is:
  28. c:\Program Files\iPlanet\CalendarServer\var\tmp

    If you want to select another directory, click Browse, then select a directory and click OK.

    When you have finished making your selections, click Next to continue.

    Note: If the directory you selected does not exist, a message box displays and you can either:

  29. Enter the following LDAP server information for user authentication (Custom Installation only):
  30. When you have finished making your selections, click Next to continue.

  31. Enter the following LDAP server information (in a Typical Installation these settings apply to both user authentication and user preferences; in a Custom Installation these settings apply only to user preferences):
  32. When you have finished making your selections, click Next to continue.

    Note: If the installation program does not detect an LDAP server running on the specified port, a message box will display stating that the Calendar Server will not run if an LDAP server is not available. If this is acceptable at this point, click Accept. Otherwise, click Choose New and re-enter the LDAP configuration parameters.

  33. Select the desired values for the following system resources (Custom Installation only):
  34. Select the options for automatically starting Calendar Server. You can choose to start the server after successful installation and, optionally, to start the server automatically at system startup. If you do not wish to start the server after the installation or upon server startup, uncheck the applicable box or boxes. When you have finished making your selections, click Next to continue.
  35. The installation program verifies if there is adequate disk space and then displays the Ready to Install window. To complete the installation, click Install Now.
  36. When the installation procedure has completed, a summary window displays. Click Details if you want to review summary information about the installation. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the Summary information window, then click Done to exit the installation program.

Using the Command Line Installation on Windows NT
iPlanet Calendar Server provides you the option of running the installation script without using the graphical interface. To run the command line installation program, use the following steps:

  1. Login as Administrator. You must have superuser privileges (that is, be logged in with full administration rights to the system) to run the installation program.
  2. If you are installing the product from the CD, go to the ntx86 folder on the CD and type: setup -nodisplay and skip Steps 2 through 5 below.
  3. If you are downloading the product from the iPlanet web site, create a directory (such as /tmp/calsvr) on the machine that will host the iPlanet Calendar Server and download (or copy) the Calendar Server archive file to that directory. Make sure that the download directory has adequate disk space to store the extracted files.

  4. Open a command prompt and change to the directory in which you placed the Calendar Server archive file. For example:
  5. cd \tmp\calsvr

  6. Type the name of the Calendar Server archive file followed by the argument -nodisplay. For example:
  7. ics2.1 -export-en.x86-windows-nt4.0.exe -nodisplay

  8. After the installation program extracts the compressed installation files, read the instructions and then press Enter to continue.
The installation program then asks the same configuration questions as described above in steps 5-22 in Using the Graphical Interface Installation on Windows NT.

Uninstalling the Calendar Server on Windows NT
To uninstall iPlanet Calendar Server, use the following steps:

  1. From the Start menu, choose Settings and then Control Panel.
  2. Choose Add Remove Programs.
  3. From the list of products, select iPlanet Calendar Server and click Add/Remove.
  4. Click Yes if you want to uninstall the product at this time.
  5. Choose either a Full or a Partial uninstall. The Full uninstall removes both components (Calendar Server and Calendar Server API). The Partial uninstall lets you choose to uninstall either or both of these components.
  6. Click Uninstall Now to proceed with the uninstallation.

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