Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Getting Started Guide SNMPv3 Authentication and Privacy

Inside SNMP domains, every SNMP entity is issued a unique identifier, the engine ID. Java DMK 5.1 provide a set of classes to allow you to generate engine IDs based on, amongst other identifiers, host names, internet protocol (IP) addresses, port numbers and Internet assigned numbers authority (IANA) numbers.

There are two types of SNMP entity:

Authoritative agent entities receive get, set, getnext, and getbulk requests and send traps. Nonauthoritative agents send informs.

Authoritative manager entities receive informs. Nonauthoritative managers send get, set, getnext and getbulk requests and informs, and receive traps. The engine ID and the number of times the engine has booted can be stored and persisted in the SNMPv3 security file, so that the timeliness of the incoming requests can be verified.

Under SNMPv3 there are three levels of security:

Managers and agents are both configured with a username, allowing the manager specific access to that agent. The username has an associated password. Both the agent and the manager sides must be configured according to the desired security policy. For requests to be authenticated, the manager and the agent must share knowledge of the authentication password associated with the username. For requests to be encrypted, the manager and the agent must additionally share knowledge of the privacy password associated with the username.

Unsecured SNMP Requests

When an agent receives a request from a manager, it checks its LCD. If the user is found in the LCD, the request is granted. No timeliness checking is performed, and the content of the request is not encrypted.

Authenticated Requests

The agent checks the identity of the originator of the request as previously described and then checks the timeliness of the request to ensure that it has not been delayed or intercepted for improper purposes. To monitor the timeliness of the arrival of requests, both manager and agent maintain synchronized clocks, and the manager's local notion of the authoritative engine's time of sending is included in the request. If the difference between the time of sending included in the request and the time of receipt recorded by the agent exceeds 150 seconds, then the request is not considered timely and is rejected.

Once the timeliness of the request has been confirmed, the request is authenticated using either of the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA protocols. These protocols check that the message digest included in the message matches the one computed locally in the receiving agent.

Authenticated and Encrypted Requests

If privacy has been activated, the content of the request is encrypted, using the DES encryption protocol provided by the Java cryptography extension (JCE) from JDK 1.4. The secure hash algorithm (SHA) and MD5 encryption protocols provided in JDK 1.2 are also used. The requests are decrypted and forwarded once the identity of the sender and the timeliness of the request have been established.

Error Messages

If any of the preceding checks fail, one of the following errors will be generated:


Unregistered user


Unregistered SNMP entity


Encryption error


Unsupported security level


Password error


Timeliness error

Note –

You can optionally implement alternative authentication and encryption algorithms. You cannot, however, plug in customized security or access control models in Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1, although this will be possible in future versions.