Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Tools Reference Guide

1.4.1 Representation of the Whole MIB

The mibgen compiler generates a Java file that represents and initializes the whole MIB. This class extends the class SnmpMib. SnmpMib is an abstract Java class in the package and is a logical abstraction of an SNMP MIB. The SNMP adaptor uses the SnmpMib class to implement agent behavior. The generated MIB file offers factory methods for group MBeans.

To Implement the Generated MIB File
  1. Subclass the group MBean skeleton you want to implement, and complete the getter, checker, and setter methods.

  2. Subclass the generated MIB file.

  3. Redefine the factory methods for the group MBeans you have implemented, and ensure that they instantiate the actual implementation class and not the skeleton.

The mibgen compiler uses the module name specified in the MIB definition to name files representing whole MIBs. The compiler removes special characters and replaces them with an underscore character (_).