Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Tools Reference Guide

1.4.2 Representation of the Whole MIB in an SNMP OidTable

The mibgen compiler generates a Java file that contains the code required to represent a whole MIB in an SNMP manager OidTable. This class extends the class, which implements the class and maintains a database of MIB variables. A name can be resolved against the database. This file can be used by both the agent and the manager API and contains metadata definitions for the compiled MIB. The metadata can then be loaded into the SnmpOid table.

The file is always generated when mibgen is invoked. The generated file is called MIBnameOidTable. The -mo option generates only the MIBnameOidTable file. This file is the only file generated for SNMP managers. All other files are dedicated to the SNMP agents.