Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Tutorial

5.2 Referencing MBeans

Most agent applications interact with MBeans through the MBean server. It is possible for an object to instantiate an MBean class itself, which it can then register in the MBean server. In this case, it keeps a programmatic reference to the MBean instance. All other objects can only interact with the MBean through its management interface exposed by the MBean server.

In particular, service MBeans and connectivity MBeans rely solely on the MBean server to access resources. The MBean server centralizes the access to all MBeans. It unburdens all other objects from having to keep numerous object references. To ensure this function, the MBean server relies on object names to identify MBean instances uniquely.

5.2.1 Object Names

Each MBean object registered in the MBean server is identified by an object name. The same MBean class can have multiple instances, but each must have a unique name. The ObjectName class encapsulates an object name composed of a domain name and a set of key properties. The object name can be represented as a string in the following format:


The DomainName, the property and value can be any alphanumeric string, as long as it does not contain any of the following characters: : , = * ?. All elements of the object name are treated as literal strings, meaning that they are case sensitive. MBean Domains

A domain is an abstract category that can be used to group MBeans arbitrarily. The MBean server lets you search easily for all MBeans with the same domain. For example, all connectivity MBeans in the minimal server could have been registered into a domain called Communications.

Since all object names must have a domain, the MBeans in an MBean server necessarily define at least one domain. When the domain name is not important, the MBean server provides a default domain name that you can use. By default, it is called the DefaultDomain, but you can specify a different default domain name when creating the MBean server from its factory. Key Properties

A key is a property-value pair that can also have any meaning that you assign to it. An object name must have at least one key. Keys and their values are independent of the MBean's attributes. The object name is a static identifier that identifies the MBean, whereas attributes are the exposed, runtime values of the corresponding resource. Keys are not positional and can be given in any order to identify an MBean.

Keys provide the specificity for identifying a unique MBean instance. For example, an object name for the HTML protocol adaptor MBean might be: Communications:protocol=html,port=8082, assuming the port will not change. Usage of Object Names

All MBeans must be given an object name that is unique. It can be assigned by the MBean's preregistration method, if the MBean supports preregistration (see the Javadoc API of the MBeanRegistration interface). Or it can be assigned by the object that creates or registers the MBean, which overrides the one given during preregistration. However, if neither of these assign an object name, the MBean server will not create the MBean and will raise an exception. Once an MBean is instantiated and registered, its assigned object name cannot be modified.

You can encode any meaning into the domain and key strings. The MBean server handles them as literal strings. The contents of the object name should be determined by your management needs. Keys can be meaningless serial numbers if MBeans are always handled programmatically. On the other hand, the keys can be human-readable to simplify their translation to the graphical user interface of a management application. With the HTML protocol adaptor, object names are displayed directly to the user.

5.2.2 ObjectInstance of an MBean

An object instance represents the complete reference of an MBean in the MBean server. It contains the MBean's object name and its Java class name. Object instances are returned by the MBean server when an MBean is created or in response to queries about MBeans. Since the object name and class name cannot change over the life of a given MBean, its returned object instance will always have the same value.

You cannot modify the class or object name in an object instance. This information is read-only. The object name is used to refer to the MBean instance in any management operation through the MBean server. The class name can be used to instantiate similar MBeans or introspect characteristics of the class.