Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Add an Object Store to the Administration Console

  1. Click on the Object Stores item in the Administration Console window’s navigation pane and choose Add Object Store from the Actions menu.

    Alternatively, you can right-click on Object Stores and choose Add Object Store from the pop-up context menu. In either case, the Add Object Store dialog box (Figure 2–11) will appear.

    Figure 2–11 Add Object Store Dialog Box

    Add Object Store dialog. Buttons from left to right:
OK, Clear, Cancel, Help.

  2. Enter a name for the object store in the Object Store Label field.

    This provides a label that identifies the object store in the Administration Console.

    For this exercise, type in the name MyObjectStore.

  3. Enter the JNDI attribute values to be used for looking up administered objects:

    1. Select the name of the attribute you wish to specify from the Name pull-down menu.

    2. Type the value of the attribute into the Value field.

    3. Click the Add button to add the specified attribute value.

      The property and its value will appear in the property summary pane.

      Repeat steps Adding an Object Store to Adding an Object Store for as many attributes as you need to set.

      For this exercise, set the java.naming.factory.initial attribute to


      and the java.naming.provider.url attribute to


      (or file:///tmp on the Solaris or Linux platforms). These are the only attributes you need to set for a file-system object store; see LDAP Server Object Stores for information on the attribute values needed for an LDAP store.

  4. Click OK to add the object store and dismiss the dialog box.

    The new object store will appear under Object Stores in the navigation pane, as shown in Figure 2–12. The red X over the object store’s icon indicates that it is not currently connected to the Administration Console.

    Figure 2–12 Object Store Displayed in Administration Console Window

    Message Queue Administration Console window. Object store
node selected in tree view pane.

    When you click on the object store in the navigation pane, its contents are listed in the result pane. Since you have not yet added any administered objects to the object store, the Count column shows 0 for both destinations and connection factories.

    Once you have added an object store, you can use the Properties command on the Actions menu (or the pop-up context menu) to display an Object Store Properties dialog box, similar to the Add Object Store dialog shown in Figure 2–11, to view or modify any of its properties.