Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide

imqcmd metrics

The syntax and options of imqcmd metrics are shown in Table 10–3 and Table 10–4, respectively.

Table 10–3 imqcmd metrics Subcommand Syntax

Subcommand Syntax 

Metrics Data Provided 

metrics bkr
   [-b hostName:portNumber]
   [-m metricType]
   [-int interval]
   [-msp numSamples]

Displays broker metrics for the default broker or a broker at the specified host and port. 

metrics svc -n serviceName
   [-b hostName:portNumber]
   [-m metricType]
   [-int interval]
   [-msp numSamples]

Displays metrics for the specified service on the default broker or on a broker at the specified host and port. 

metrics dst -t destType
   -n destName
   [-b hostName:portNumber]
   [-m metricType]
   [-int interval]
   [-msp numSamples]

Displays metrics information for the physical destination of the specified type and name.

Table 10–4 imqcmd metrics Subcommand Options

Subcommand Options 


-b hostName: portNumber

Specifies the hostname and port of the broker for which metrics data is reported. The default is localhost:7676.

-int interval

Specifies the interval (in seconds) at which to display the metrics. The default is 5 seconds. 

-m metricType

Specifies the type of metric to display: 

ttl Displays metrics on messages and packets flowing into and out of the broker, service, or destination (default metric type).

rts Displays metrics on rate of flow of messages and packets into and out of the broker, connection service, or destination (per second).

cxn Displays connections, virtual memory heap, and threads (brokers and connection services only).

con Displays consumer-related metrics (destinations only).

dsk Displays disk usage metrics (destinations only).

-msp numSamples

Specifies the number of samples displayed in the output. The default is an unlimited number (infinite). 

-n destName

Specifies the name of the physical destination (if any) for which metrics data is reported. There is no default. 

-n serviceName

Specifies the connection service (if any) for which metrics data is reported. There is no default. 

-t destType

Specifies the type (queue or topic) of the physical destination (if any) for which metrics data is reported. There is no default.